Gauteng, RSA. Mobile: +27 72 356 8282. Email: Psalm 71:20 - "Though you have made me see troubles; many troubles and bitter troubles, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
We're All In This Together - Teaser 2008
We are really together in this!!! The question is, are we all doing enough for our community; are we all caring for one another? When you eat that slice pasted bread with polony, do you actually think about the person who slept in an empty stomach the previous day? After watching this video, I felt that someone out there need to preach the gospel of serving. Visit: You can make a difference. Help someone in need without expecting anything back. Call me on 072 356 8282 to contribute to a child in need, or you can visit
Kanon Tipton Preaching World's Youngest Preacher
The spirit is moving. After watching this video I started thinking more about my purpose on this earth. If we do not preach the word, who will do it? God will raise stones to work for Him. Look at this little one. This might look like a fabricated video; no matter what it is, I believe God is challenging me to preach the word more and more; and to reach to the whole world.
Umfundisi nebandla...its hilarious!!!
I have seen worse pastors before, but not this one on this video. What the hell is this little pastor talking about. Becareful, whatever you do; whatever you say, the kids are watching. He is doing it well trying to be his pastor he saw someday, somewhere!!!
He is coming to South Africa in September 6, Ps. Roderick Belin
Pastor Roderick Belin is coming to South Africa on the 6 September 2010. He will be in the country until 25 of the same month of September.
This is the confirmation message he emailed from his office, "...I write to confirm my acceptance of your invitation to lead the 'Believer's Crusade' in South Africa, September 6-25, 2010. I am joyfully anticipating this opportunity that God has given me to go and spread the Gospel in another land. God has... through the sacrificed blood of His Son Jesus..."
We as a church are waiting patiently to receive him as he come to South Africa. He is such a humbled man and I can't wait to welcome him. Below is a letter which he sent when my mother passed on.
"Dear Minister Mondlane:"
"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ."
"I am very sorry to hear about the recent passing of your beloved mother. I want you to know that I am praying that God will strengthen you and your family during this time of bereavement. We know that in the midst of loss and feelings of sadness, God is present, and when we call on Him for strength He will answer and give us the comfort of His Holy Spirit."
"The Kairos Community African Methodist Episcopal Church Family in Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A. joins me in lifting you in prayer and sending condolences. We know your loss is deep and your sorrow is great, and we want you to know that we share in your grief. I am looking forward to being in Pretoria in September, and very much regret that I will not have the privilege to meet your mother. As Christians we believe and live in hope that whoever believes has everlasting life. I commend these words from Psalm 55:22 to you: "Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you."
"May God's unceasing love and the support of your family and friends surround you now and in the days to come."
"Roderick Dwayne Belin"
A Wonderful Saturday Workout
(Little Nanette was also there)
(I was there to make a food garden)
The permaculture garden at FTFA Khaya is up and running. The staff members and and volunteers gathered on Saturday 22 May 2010 to work on the permaculture garden designed at the backyard of the FTFA Khaya.
(My wife Precious was there)
It was such a great experience to see the expirienced staff members assisting the juniors and volunteers to contribute towards the creation of such a remarkable food garden.
(The permaculture garden)
(Ms. Lettie Ngubeni helping out in the garden)
Monday, May 17, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
A long awaited march from Pretoria to Johannesburg
The 1st June 2010 marks my long awaited dream walk against from Preoria to Johannesburg against the use of child soldiers. I’m confident and ready to lift a flag against such a terrible act against human kind. It is so painful and very sad to find yourself in an act you do not understand; an act which you have nothing to do with.
I love green
The march/walk against the use of child soldiers around the world begin at 216 Vermeulen street outside Pretoria news building at 04h30; and we will be ready to reach their destination being 47 Sauer Street, Johannesburg at least by 17h30.
The aim of this event is to raise an awareness about the plight of child soldiers around the world: to honour those fallen heroes/heroines (child soldiers) who were involved in wars: to call upon the governments to support and prioritise children who are currently living in poverty; and to invest more in fighting against climate change rather than supporting wars.
I love kids
According to the UN’s Child Soldiers briefing of November 2009, “there remain 14 countries in which recruitment takes place. An estimated total of 250 000 children are in military service, including a significant proportion of girls.”
Money raised on this march will be allocated to two organisations relevant to what the march is aimed to achieve, being; the Benjamin Dube Children’s Foundation ( or and Food & Trees for Africa “FTFA” ( or The march will be joined by South Africa’s gospel icon Pastor Benjamin Dube and FTFA’s founder Jeunesse Park. More than 26 staff members from FTFA will join the march in solidarity with me, and more than 50 people on facebook confirmed their partcipation.
Monday, May 3, 2010
A Birthday worth the celebration!!!!!!

This was a special day for our baby Nanette as she was turning 2 years of age. We also had two kids from the squatter camp of Silahliwe who were celebrating 10 and 11 respectively on the same day. Those were Mxolisi and Pheelo. We decided to have them 3 celebrating their birthday on the same day.
It was a great day, a day of Singing and joy. We had a big cake worth 3 very important people. We had at least a number of 32 children attending the event. The kids loved each and every moment of the party.

Sunday, May 2, 2010
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