Friday, November 28, 2008


Cries Without Tears-The Journey Begins

Next week I will start posting my true life story on this blog entitled “Cries Without Tears-The Journey Begins. It is a true life story testimony.

It took me many years to decide telling my story as it is to the world. My wife is the one who encouraged me to do so. I will post it to this blog, chapter by chapter every week.

Each chapter tells the story in a unique way.

Get ready to reading my true life story starting from next week;

Get to know my life;

- As a little boy
- As a refugee
- As a school boy
- As a child soldier
- in rehabilitation center
- As a national boxer
- As a born again Evangelist
- In marriage
- In betrayal
- In pain and hurting
- As a father
- In marriage
- In religion
- In poverty
- In victory
- In challenges hard to manage

You are invited!!!!!


If these children are not brought up in a right way; which is pleasing to God; they might fall into the habit and we who are in leadership and knowing the truth will have to respond to that on judgment

The face of poverty in Mozambique. This single mother of two, lives in this reeds house

Mozambique is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, yet it is a centre of poverty and corruption.

Talking about corruption; the citizens believe that inorder to make money you need to be involved in corrupt deals.

Most deals happen from the man lying on the street to the Director seated in an upper surburb office by the ocean; from a traffic cop to to a senior ofiicial; from a bar attendence serving liquor to a pastor behind the pulpit.

"This is Mozambique." That statement is widely used in our country to remind the person who want to play an angel and be honest in running of things. While living in this country, most people bealive that you cannot be succesful unless you fall into the habit, and do what most Mozambicans do.

If you don't fall into the habit, then you are an enemy. At your work place you become an enemy to your fellow workmates. They can even teem against you and have you thrown out of your work; at public government departments, you can be attended last or your applications can be kept for a long time without being attended or given any attention at all; on the street, you can end up losing a lot of money than what you have budgeted because you want to follow the right channels.

In this country they make it a must that one gets a piece of what belongs to a fellow brother, rich or poor in a wrong way. It doesn't matter where you come from; whether you are a foreigner or a local.

Ask any foreigner who lives in this country; If he has been in this country for a long time; he has either accepted to suffer the most and live a faithfull life, or has fallen to the habit. Most foreigners I have known has fallen into the bad habit. "If you can't beat them, join them." They would normally say.

Pastor Carlos had been in the country for a while now. He is from Zambia and is married to a Mozambican beautiful wife. I have known him for the past 8 months now. Pastor Carlos had the following to share to me.

"Solomon. I took a project proposal to one of the international funders in Maputo." He said. "Surprisngly the man who received the poject proposal asked me to make a deal with him. He wanted to know how much I could give him if he can approve the proposal. He wanted us to seal a deal in percentage." Said pastor Carlos.

"How did you respond to that?" I asked.

"Solomon, we serve an honest God. No matter what the situation is, we need to live by His word." Said Pastor carlos. "We started arguing with the guy.'Man, how could you say that? What image do you create for this organisation or for this country for that matter?' I asked. He tried to to explain and ended up saying. 'This is Mozambique my friend.' 'There we go again. What Mozambique? Do you know that God can take everything that you owns if you live this way. Do you know that God can bless you if you live an innocent life and fear Him.' I responded. The man seemed to be stubborn. I left my project proposal without sealing a deal." Said Pastor Carlos.

Wow, that is a man of God who leads by example. I wonder how I could have reacted. By the way I came accross the same situation a year ago. I was working for the African Community Development Projects (ACODEP). I was the one who had a responsibility of approving some small scale project proposals. I was mainly working with churches. This means most of the time I was found in the midst of pastors.

Let me make this clear. I respect pastors a lot. God mainly speak His words and teachings through them.

You can't believe this. One day I was invited by three pastors. They were all well prepared to commit sin. They wanted me to approve their project proposals with a promise of having a share to the money they will get. In fact I had to go through some preachings and the scripture was wrongly quoted. All these was done for me to accept their deal.

I failed to understand what the church leaders were up to. I asked to be excussed from their presence. I didn't want to argue with God's chosen Men. I had myself to examine; maybe I didn't no well the scripture, (Exodus 20:15 "Do not steal.").

The reality is, these men needed to be born again or re-visit their salvation. They had fallen to the habit. Instead of leading by faith, in His name they are involved in corruptions.

Inspite of all those bad things, God will not destroy Mozambique. He will not destroy Mozambique for the sake of the innocents who are found in this country like Ps. Carlos.

Genesis 18:23-32 "Abraham aproached the Lord and asked, Are you really going to destroy the innocent with the guilty? If there are fifty innocent people in the city, will you destroy the whole city? Won't you spare it inorder to save the fifty? surely you won't kill the innocent with the guilty. That is impossible! You can't do that. If you did, the innocent will be punished along with the guilty. That is impossible. The judge of all the earth has to act justly."

The Lord answered, "If I find fifty innocent people in Sodom, I will spare the whole city for their sake."

Abraham spoke again: "Please forgive my boldness in continuing to speak to you, Lord. I am only a man and have no rights to say anything. But perhaps there will be only forty five innocent people instead of fifty. Will you destroy the whole city because the are five too few?"

The Lord answered, "I will not destroy the city if I find fiorty five innocent people."

Abraham spoke again: "Perhaps there will be only forty."

He replied, "I will not destroy it if there are forty."

Abraham said, "Please don't be angry, Lord, but I must speak again. What if there are only thirty?"

He said, "I will not do it if I find thirty."

Abraham said, "Please forgive my boldness in continuing to speak to you, Lord. Suppose that only twenty are found?"

He said, "I will not destroy the city if I find twenty."

Abraham said, "Please don't be angry, Lord, and I will speak just once more. What if only ten are found?"

He said, "I will not destroy it if there are ten."

Now, our God is a Faithful God to those who fear Him and who abide in His Word. For Mozambique to change it must beging with us, His children, the chosen ones; we Christians. We need to live by faith and practically practise honesty. Let us be faithful to Him and to the eyes of the people. Let us not demand honesty from the people of this world while we easily fall into the practices of this world. Our salvation must be visible and GOD will serve Mozambique.

God bless our country, God bless Mozambique.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Godly Leadership and Managemernt Course

I am so surprised that the " Leadership Course" actually began during the days of Moses in the bible and it was approved by God.

In fact, when God created the Heavens and the Earth He only appointed Directors and Managers to take care of His properties, but no training was conducted to empower them or to boost their knowledge pertaining "Leadership Skills".

In todays's world, most Christians in Leadership positions hardly follow God's principles on how to run their companies, churches, NGOs etc.

Let's look how God worked with His earthly Directors and Managers, and how they responded to God's orders.

Adam was the first man to be appointed the Earthly General Director to manage God's properties. Genesis 2:15 "Then the Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and GUARD it". Adam had a priviledge of reporting directly to his Master, God.

God gave Adam certain orders concerning His properties. He also set binding laws within His company for the reasons well known to Him (Genesis 2:16-17) "He said to him 'You may eat the fruit of any tree in the garden, except the tree that gives knowledge of what is good and what is bad. You must not eat the fruit of that tree; if you do, you will die the same day.'

God, The Master trusted His employee Adam from the first day and gave him full responsibilities of his property. Even the naming of the animals was Adam's responsibility (Genesis 2:20 'So the man NAMED all the birds and all the animals, but not one of them was a suitable companion to help him.)

God did not belittled His employee like most of our Earthly Christian Leaders do to their employees. God did not look where His employee came from; the dust (Genesis 2:7 'Then the Lord God took some SOIL from the ground and formed a man out of it; he breathed life-giving breath into his nostril and the man began to live'). Adam was taken from DIRT and placed in a higher position and was trusted for his position and was given respect. What a Good Master Our God is. He is not judgemental.

One thing though, that I fail to understand; God did not offer His employee some Leadership trainings or Management skills, He entrusted Adam based on his qualities. TRUST is one quality I picked up. He trusted him without any doubt.

I just hope as Earthly Leaders we could learn something on how God' interacted with his earthly employees.

Adam had his weaknesses as an human being. He easily fell into temptation and could not communicate well (was unable to respond to direct questions). He could not take responsibilities to what he has done wrong.

Lord help me get this right, as it is directed to me, Solomon. Admiting to my mistakes and taking full responsibilities.

Genesis 3:11-12, "who told you that you were naked?" God asked. "Did you eat the fruit that I told you not to eat?"

Carefully read Adam's response in verse 12, "The woman you put here with me gave me the fruit, and I ate."

Intead of responding to God's questions, he quickly pushesd the blame to his Master for the woman in his life; and also pushed the blame to the woman for his wrong actions. He forgot that the law was told to him directly by God.

That is how we react as leaders who have failed on the way We run away from our actions and push the blame to others.

"Who told you that you were naked? Did you eat the fruit that I told you not to eat?'

"The WOMAN, YOU (GOD) put here with me gave me the fruit and I ate it."

If he was writing an exam paper, Adam could have failed.

God worked with a number of men whom He appointed in top positions based on His trust in them.

Read the story of the Obedient Noah in Genesis 6:14 "Build a boat for yourself out of good timber; make some rooms in it and cover it with tar inside and out.'"

Read verse 19-20 "Take into the boat with you a male and a female of every kind of animal and every kind of bird, in order to keep them alive." Verse 21 "Take along all kinds of food for you and for them."

For generations to live after the floods, God put his trust on Noah; but no Leadership training he received to manage well God's property. He was only given orders. Thank God he made it through.

Abraham was one man who worked closely with God. From Abraham, God raised His Nation. Abraham lived by God's commands and was faithful to Him. Genesis 22: 8 and 12 "Abraham answered, 'God Himself will provide one.' and the two of them walked on together.' Verse 12, "Don't hurt the boy or do anything to him," He said. "Now I know that you honour and obey God, because you have not kept back your only son from him."

What I like the most about him, he was able to question his Master, God on issues that looked unfair to him. Genesis 18:23-32 "Abraham aproached the Lord and asked, Are you really going to destroy the innocent with the guilty? If there are fifty innocent people in the city, will you destroy the whole city? Won't you spare it inorder to save the fifty? surely you won't kill the innocent with the guilty. That is impossible! You can't do that. If you did, the innocent will be punished along with the guilty. That is impossible. The judge of all the earth has to act justly."

The Lord answered, "If I find fifty innocent people in Sodom, I will spare the whole city for their sake."

Abraham spoke again: "Please forgive my boldness in continuing to speak to you, Lord. I am only a man and have no rights to say anything. But perhaps there will be only forty five innocent people instead of fifty. Will you destroy the whole city because the are five too few?"

The Lord answered, "I will not destroy the city if I find fiorty five innocent people."

Abraham spoke again: "Perhaps there will be only forty."

He replied, "I will not destroy it if there are forty."

Abraham said, "Please don't be angry, Lord, but I must speak again. What if there are only thirty?"

He said, "I will not do it if I find thirty."

Abraham said, "Please forgive my boldness in continuing to speak to you, Lord. Suppose that only twenty are found?"

He said, "I will not destroy the city if I find twenty."

Abraham said, "Please don't be angry, Lord, and I will speak just once more. What if only ten are found?"

He said, "I will not destroy it if there are ten."

God was patient with His employee and would attend to his concerns until he (Abraham) was satisfied. God gave him values despite that he was an earthly being. As Christian Leaders we fail to immitate God. We use the same bible to ill treat our subjects and force them to fall into temptaions and to carry our blames.

I'm picking on few man God appointed as his Directors and Managers. We have Isaac and his son Jacob; and we have Lot, but I'm not going to talk about them.

Let's look at Joseph's Leadrship. First and for most; Joseph was a man of dreams; a man of visions. Joseph had to go through challenges to make it in life. His talents were not visible to human beings. He was judged wrongly by family members; people on the streets took him for granted and sold him for quick cash as a waste. The justice sytem also falsely accused him, but he waited patiently for the right time and he manifested.

God moved Joseph from humbleness to a top position. His personal qualities blossom. Through him, the world was able to survive famine, through him, Egypt's economy was developed and it was through him that God's Chosen nation survived the hunger. Read Genesis 37,39,40,41,42,43, 44,45,46,47,48,49,50. (The times and life of Joseph). His leadership training was based on challenges he went through.

Moses is one man I like. He had God given Leadership qualities yet he did not stop learning from his fellow earthly beings. No wonder he was the first man to attend a leadership course though he had a priviledge to speak directlty with his Master, God.

Exodus 18:13-26 "One day Moses was settling disputes among the people, and he was kept busy from morning till night.When Jethro saw everything that Moses had to do, he asked, 'What is all this that you are doing for the people? why are you doing this all alone, with people standing here from morning till night to consult?' Moses answered, 'I must do this because the people come to me to learn God's will. When two people have a dispute, they come to me, and I decide which one of them is right, and I tell them God's commands and laws.'"

"Then Jethro said, 'YOU ARE NOT DOING IT THE RIGHT WAY. You will wear yourself out and these people as well. This is too much for you to do alone. Now let me give you some good advice, and God will be with you. It is right for you to represent the people before God and bring their disputes to him. You shoulsd teach them God's commands and what they should do. But in addition, you should choose some capable men and appoint them as leaders of the people: leaders of thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. They must be God fearing men who can be TRUSTED and who cannot be bribed. Let them serve as judges for the people on permanent basis. They can bring all the difficult cases to you, but they themselves can decide all the smaller disputes. That will make it easier for you, as they share your burden. If you do this, as God commands, you will not wear yourself out, and all these people can go home with their disputes settled.'"


Moses after his training, he immediately implemented the principle of leadership to run God's work properly. He was not a selfish and self centered man like most of our christian leaders. He wanted to see God's work being of great success. For him to do that, he had to work with some of the people he TRUSTED.

He swallowed his pride and took his lessons very serious. He had been in leadership for a while, but he needed more skills. Rememeber; he is the one who led the Israelites out of Egypt; He came face to face with the king of Egypt; He consulted with God to address the Israelites concerns; He directly took actions against those who worshiped a calf god; He perfomed miracles and wonders; He begged from God the forgiveness of the wrong the people had committed against Him; Yet he took the lessons given to him by Jethro very serious. What a leader Moses was. He was honest to his Master, God and to the people he served. He kept no secrete to the people from God, and to God from the people. He respected his assistant, Aaron; He respected his elder Jethro and the elders of Israel; He respected the people and feared God. He could not betray the people even when God was angry with them and would stand as a sacrifice on their behalf. He always reminded God about his promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

For sure,our leaders don't have those qualities Moses had. They are full of pride and abusive. Let these be a lesson to everyone in leadership.


Galatians 6:7
“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.”

II Corinthians 9:6

“But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.”

I Kings 3:16-27
(Solomon’s wisdom)
16. “One day two prostitutes came and presented themselves before king Solomon. 17. One of them said, ‘Your Majesty, this woman and I live in the same house, and I gave birth to a baby boy at home whilst she was there. 18. Two days after my child was born she also gave birth to a baby boy. Only the two of us were there in the house-no one else was present. 19. Then one night she accidentally rolled over on her baby and smothered it. 20. She got up during the night, took my son from my side while I was asleep, and carried him to her bed; then she put the dead child in my bed. 21. The next MORNING, when I woke up and I was going to feed my baby, I saw that it was dead. I looked at it more closely, and saw that it was not my child.’

Ecclesiastes 10:5-7
“5. Here is an injustice I have seen in the world-an injustice caused by rulers. 6. Stupid people are given positions of authority while the rich are ignored. 7. I have seen slaves on horseback while noblemen go on foot like slaves.

John 10:10
“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”


2 The devil uses a system we refer as SATANIC’S EXHANGE to DESTROY.

3 How do we deal with a SATANIC EXCHANGE?



1 Fact N0: 1: Can a person’s life be exchanged for another?

I king’s 20:42
“The prophet then said to the king, ‘This is the word of the Lord: ‘Because you allowed the man to escape whom I had ordered to be killed, you will pay for it with your life, and your army will be destroyed for letting his army escape.

Isaiah 43:3-4

“3. For I am the Lord your God, the holy God of Israel, who saves you. I will give up Egypt to set you free; I will give up Ethiopia and Seba. 4. I will give up whole nations to save your life, because you are precious to me and because I love you and give you honour.”

Jesus died in our place =

Matthews 20:28
“Just as the Son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”

Comment on the scripture
Jesus was supposed to be served as a king. Many people were supposed to be put to death for mocking and despising Him; Instead He was reduced to a thief and a murderer, and to death at the end. Thank God, He is alive.

Angry scriptures
There are some scriptures that most Christians can not accept due to its aggressiveness towards non believers.

2 Did you know that you can always channel a death to someone else evil, instead of you even if you were meant to die?

Proverbs 21:18
“The wicked shall be a ransom for the righteous, and the unfaithful for the upright.

3 If you are in trouble before God, you can ACTIVATE the LAW OF DEVINE SUBSTITUTION.

Prayer: “Lord, all what I did may it fall to those who are wicked; to those who are not doing your will.”

Some prayers may not work for you at the place of work.

When your enemies are coming against you, know how to pray.
II Thessalonians 1:6
“Since it is a righteous thing with God to repay with tribulation those who trouble you.”

Remember the story of Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego
Some men who set fire were consumed by the same fire.

Remember Daniel: Those against Daniel were the same men eaten by the lions.

4 Fact N0: 2: Can be a man’s Destiny be exchanged for another? Yes

Esther 2:21-23
“21. During the time that Mordecai held office in the palace, Bigthana and Teresh, two of the palace eunuchs who guarded the entrance to the king’s rooms, became hostile to king Xerxes and plotted to assassinate him. 22. Mordecai learnt about it and told Queen Esther, who then told the king what Mordecai had found out. 23. There was an investigation, and it was discovered that the report was true, son both men were hanged on the gallows. The king ordered an account of this to be written down in the official records of the empire.

Esther 3:1-2

“1. Some time later King Xerxes promoted a man named Haman to the position of prime minister. Haman was the son of Hammedatha, a descendant of Agag. 2. The king ordered all the officials in the service to show their respect for Haman by kneeling and bowing to him. They all did so, except for Mordecai, who refused to do it.

5 Fact N0: 3: Can be a man’s brain be exchanged for another?

Remember Nebuchadnezzar

Daniel 4:31-33
“31. Before the words were out of his mouth, a voice spoke from heaven, ‘ King Nebuchadnezzar, listen to what I say! Your royal power is now taken away from you. 32. You will be driven away from human society, live with wild animals, and eat grass like an ox for seven years. Then you will acknowledge that the Supreme God has power over human kingdoms and that he can give them to anyone he chooses. 33. The words came true immediately. Nebuchadnezzar was driven out of human society and ate grass like an ox. The dew fell on his body, and his hair grew as long as eagles’ feathers and his nails as long as birds’ claws.”

6 Fact N0: 4: Can somebody else's problem be transferred to someone else?

II Kings 5:27
“And now Naaman’s disease will come upon you, and you and your descendants will have it forever. When Gehazi left, he had the disease – his skin was as white as snow.”

Proverbs 11:8
“The righteous is delivered from trouble, and it comes to the wicked instead.”

Zachariah 13: 6
“Then if someone asks him, ‘What are those wounds on your chest?’ he will answer, ‘ I got them at a friend’s house.’”

Psalms 41: 9
“Even my own familiar friend in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, has lifted up his heel against me.”

Matthews 10:34
“Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword.”

Revelations 13:7
“It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation.

Did you know that; they can be any satanic exchange if a man is sleeping?

I Peter 5:8
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”

Genesis 29:24 &25
“24. Laban gave his slave-woman Zilpah to his daughter Leah as her maid. 25. Not until the next morning did Jacob discover that it was Leah. He went to Laban and said, “Why did you do this to me? I worked to get Rachel. Why have you tricked me?”

I Kings 3:16-27
(Solomon’s wisdom)
The discovery of the dead child took place in the morning


7 Fearest spiritual warfare battles (market place).
8 People are ignorant because of the lack of knowledge.
9 For the church to be successful you need to win the war in the market place.

1 It is anywhere, where there is an exchange of money for goods, labour, life etc or visa vesa.
2 It is a center of your life and activities.
3 Most of my life is spent in the market place.
4 It is where dog eat dog.
5 It is where only the fittest survives.
6 It is where the enemy has built its stronghold on earth..

When in the morning you are traveling to work, either by bus or taxi. Ask yourself where all those people are going and who are they?

Amongst them are:
1 Doctors
2 Teachers
3 Nurses
4 Prostitutes
5 Priests
6 Witches and wizards
7 Traditional Healers
8 Thieves
9 Devil worshippers
10 False prophets
11 Prophets

Now, all these people are going to the market place to try and make a living. Some of them did not sleep the night before. Some were steaming and some where moving naked and shouting the whole night.

Some had just murdered someone in order to make it big at the market place.

Some in that taxi are carrying some lucky vaseline hoping for a promotion or to be employed.

Some are going to work in good faith, but with the hope of making it big in the market place.

Now what do you have as a Christian to make it big in the market place; for you to survive.


1 They bless everyone unnecessary.
2 They praise everyone.
3 They eat everything they are given.
4 They visit everyone unnecessarily.


-Evangelize to the lost
-Prayer alters
-Cells and multiply cell groups


2 Discover or identify your land (It can be a business, or profession or career) and poses it.
-Stop wasting your time in somebody else’s land.
-Stop being busy doing what you were not called to do.

“You can climb the ladder of success but only to find it is leaning on the wrong wall.” Steven Leof

Identify your land

(Joshua 1:1-7)
“1. After the death of the Lord’s servant Moses, the Lord spoke to Moses’ helper, Joshua son of Nun. 2. He said, ‘ My servant Moses is dead. Get ready now, you and all the people of Israel, and cross the River Jordan into the land that I am giving them. 3. as I told Moses, I have given you and all my people the entire land that you will be marching over. 4. Your borders will reach from the desert in the south to the Lebanon Mountains in the north; from the great River Euphrates in the east, through the Hittite country, to the Mediterranean Sea in the west. 5. Joshua, no one will be able to defeat you as long as you live. I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will always be with you; I will never abandon you. 6. Be determined and confident, for you will be the leader of these people as they occupy this land which I promised their ancestors. 7. Just be determined, be confident; and make sure that you obey the whole Law that my servant Moses gave you. Do not neglect any part of it and you will succeed wherever you go."

(Numbers 13:2)
“Choose one of the leaders from each of the twelve tribes and send them as spies to explore the land of Canaan which I am giving to the Israelites.”

(Genesis 2:8)
“Then the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the East and there he put the man he had formed.”

GIANTS IN THE MARKET PLACE (Problems in the Market Place)

The Problems with Christians; they want to take by faith what they need to take by force. Poses your land by conquest.

Numbers 13:28-33
“28. But the people who live there are powerful and their cities are very large and well fortified. Even worse, we saw the descendants of the giants there. 29. Amalekites live in the southern part of the land; Jittites, Jebusites, and Amorites live in the hill-country; and Canaanites live by the Mediterranean Sea and along the River Jordan. 30. Caleb silenced the people who were complaining against Moses, and said, ‘We should attack now and take the land; we are strong enough to conquer it.’ 31. But the men who had gone with Caleb said, ‘No, we are not strong enough to attack them; the people there are more powerful than we are.’ 32. So they spread a false report among the Israelites about the land they explored. They said, ‘That land doesn’t even produce enough to feed the people who live there. Everyone we saw was very tall, 33. and we even saw giants there, the descendants of Anak. We felt as small as grasshoppers, and that is how we must have looked to them,

Whatever the land God gives you, its not empty.

POSSESS means” Occupy by driving out previous owners.
Tolerate not celebrated.

You don’t need to be only born but to manifest.
Like: Nelson Mandela, Bill Gates, Ben Rodgers etc.

(God & Money in one platform)

Matthews 6:24
"No one can be a slave of two masters; he will hate one and love the other; he will be loyal to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both and the money"

Poses the land

Joshua 1: 1-7
"After the death of the Lord's servant Moses, the Lord spoke to Moses' helper, Joshua son of Nun. 2. He said, 'My servant Moses is dead. Get ready now, you and all the people of Israel, and cross the river Jordan into the land that I'm giving them.3. As I told Moses, I have given you and all my people the entire land that you will be marching over. 4. Your borders will reach Lebanon mountains in the north; from the great river Euphrates in the east, through the Hittite country, to the Mediterranean sea in the west. 5. Joshua, no one will be able to defeat you as long as you live. I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will always be with you; i will never abandon you. 6. Be determined and confident, for you will be the leader of these people as they occupy this land which i promised their ancestors. 7. Just be determined, be confident; and make sure that you obey the whole law that my servant moses gave you. Do not neglact any part of it and you will succeed where ever you go.

Numbers 13:2
2. "Choose one of the leaders from each of the twelve tribes and send them as spies to explore the land of Canaan, which I'm giving to the Israelites."

Genesis : 2:8
8. "Then the Lord god planted a garden in Eden, in the east and there he put the man he had formed.

Giants in the land

Numbers 13:28-33
28."But the people who live there are powerful, and their cities are very large and well fortified. Even worse, we saw the descendants of the giants there. 29. Amalekites live in the southern part of the land; Hittites, Jebusites, and Amorites live in the hill country; and Canaanites live by the Mediterreanean sea and along the river Jordan." 30. Caleb silenced the people who were complaining against Moses, and said, "We should attack now and take the land; we are strong enough to conquer it." 31. But the men who had gone with Caleb said, "No, we are not strong enough to attack them; the people there are more powerful than we are." 32. So they spread a false report amongst the Israelites about the land they had explored. They said; that land doesn't even produce enough to feed the peoplewho live there. Everyone we saw was very tall, 33. and we even saw giants there, the descendants Anak. We felt as small as grasshoppers, and that is how must have looked to them."

Deuteronomy 1:8
8. "All of this is the land which I, the Lord, promised to give to your ancestors, Abraham, Issac and Jacob, and to their descendants. Go and occupy it."

Your inheritance prosperity is in your hands

That are;
Milk & Honey,
Health & Prosperity.

Numbers 13:33

33. "...and we even saw giants there, the descendants Anak. We felt as small as grasshoppers, and that is how must have looked to them."

I Corinthians 9:13
13. "Surely you know that the men who work in the Temple get their food from the Temple and that those who offer the sacrifices on the alter get a share of the sacrifices."

What is an alter?
-It is a meeting place.
-People control from alters.
-Things are happening in alters.
-The battle of life is the battle of alters.

Fight back!

By destroying the alters of satanic exchange that strengthen the hold of the enemy.

“Marketplace is not only the place of money but of warfare”

Deal with alters assigned against you.

Jeremiah 1:10
10. "Today I give you authority over nations and kingdoms to uproot and to pull down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant."

-Start prayer groups in workplace.
-Do not permit defeat at the edge of your break through.
"Eeshhh!!!! almost there"

Tips to win the war in the market place

-Destroy the alters of the enemy and raise the standard of the Lord and activate the law of Devine substitution. Raising the alter unto the Lord.

“Law of Devine Substitution”

Ecclesiastes 2:26
26. "God gives wisdom, knowledge, and happiness to those who please him, but he make sinners work, earning and saving, so that what they get can be given to those who please him. It is all useless. It is like chasing the wind."

-Sinners must work for nothing, Christians must benefit.
-Sinners have no right to that belong to God.

Sinners Gift is God’s Wroth

John 3: 36
36. "Whoever believers in the Son has eternal life; whoever disobeys the Son will not have life, but will remain under God's punishment."

Psalm 24:1
1. "The world and all that is in it belong to the Lord; the earth and all who live on it are His."

Haggai 2:8
8."All the silver and gold of the world is mine."

Psalms 50:10-11
10."All the animals in the forest are mine and the cattle on thousands of hills. 11. All the wild birds are mine and all living things in the fields."

Everything that belongs to God, belong to his children by covenant.

Sinners cannot access the inheritance

John 8:44
44. "You are the children of your father, the Devil, and you want to follow your father's desires. From the very beginning he was a murderer and has never been on the side of truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he is only doing what is natural to him, because he is a liar and the father of all lies."

Romans 8:15&17
15. "For the spirit that God has given does not make you slaves and cause you to be afraid; instead, the Spirit makes you God's children, and by the Spirit's power we cry out to God, 'Father! my Father!'"
17. "Since we are his children, we will possess he blessings he keeps for his people, and we will also possess with Christ what God has kept for him; for if we share Christ's suffering, we will also share his glory."

Ecclesiastes 10:5-7
5. "He is an injustice I have seen in the world-an injustice caused by rulers. 6. Stupid people are given positions of authority while the rich are ignored. 7. I have seen slaves on horseback while noblemen go on foot like slaves."

I Timothy 5:8
8. "But if anyone does not take care of his relatives, especially the members of his own family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever."

Matthews 7:11
11. "Bad as you arer, you know how to give good things to your children. How much more, then, will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him."

Pray that God remove a sinner from the post that belongs to you.
Don’t mention the names of the people when you are praying.

Proverbs 11:8
“Lord those who are righteous are freed and be exchanged by sinners”.

My Prayer of Victory

O' Lord God, you are the God who sees;
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Here I am God, face to face with the enemy.
I know that my break through is in you;
My strength comes from you.
In the name of Jesus; bring solution to the problems I'm faced with,
And let a new chapter be realised.

I invite you O' God to intervene,
And take control over this situation.
In the name of Jesus.

You are God O' Lord, who created the Heavens and the Earth.
You cannot let me die in a land which by its origin it's foreign to me.

Be the God to this family, so that we can testify about your name.

In Jesus name, Touch them O' Lord.
In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

Lyrics from a gospel song

"I'm trading my sorrows
I'm trading my shame
I'm laying them down for the joy of the Lord
I'm trading my sickness
I'm trading my pain
I'm laying them down for the joy of the Lord

we say, Yes Lord, yes Lord, Yes , yes Lord
Yes Lord, yes Lord, Yes , yes Lord
Yes Lord, yes Lord, Yes , yes Lord

I am pressed but not crused, presecueted and not abondoned
Struck down but not destroyed
I am blessed beyond the curls for as long as we will endure,
and his joy is gonna be my strength
All the sorrow may last for the night but the joy comes with the morning

Let the joy of the Lord come and be my strength again"

My One and Only, Precious Gift

I'm in a state of confusion. A small voice whispers, "revenge"; revenge to all those who caused pain in the past; "revenge".

I looked my hands, I discovered that they are red, full of blood and a list of all those who caused me pai in the past untill to the recent on appears.

I looked on the wall of my bedroom. I noticed a picture of my wife. She took when she was Baptised. Beside her stood a man of God, Ben Rodgers.

As I looked at that beautifull picture of my wife, my 3 year daughter Tracy whispered music of hope in my ears: "Lord Jesus I need your touch, more than ever before..." As she sang I started to cry.

She stopped singing and stared at me, she then layed her head on my chest.

I looked at my wife's picture again and I remembered an old script she kept in my old stationery.

I moved Tracy's head gently and placed it on the folded blanket we used as a pillow. I rushed to the childrens bedroom to look for it.

It took me3 minutes to search through the stationary and I found it. I read through it. I first looked for the date it was written, but I could find none.

This is my wifes writing, written on an old piece of paper, " I have never been this happy in my life. I might be still going through hardships in my life, but I am always happy because I know that there is someone out there who cares about me and loves me dearly. The person I'm talking about is my fiance, Solomon." Reads the script. I just paused and smiled.

"This man changed my life completely. I met him at a point where I did not have any hope in life. I felt so useless and unappreciated. He just knows how to say the right words." I paused and looked arond and I only saw my daughter sleeping innocently by my side.

"Solomon is an ever laughing person, who respects, loves and cares for other people. He would sacrifice anything, just to help another human. He has a welcoming heart and he is also so helpfull. he is always himself and never pretends to be someone else."Solomon taught me one important thing, that I should keep in life. He said, there is no better person that you can be, besides yourself.

"I feel so free when I'm around him, I feel as though I can tell him anything and I know that he will never judge me.

"One thing I know about Solomon is that, he hates to be described and claims that no one knows him. He does not want someone to tell him about himself because he knows himself."

"The reason why I say I have never been happy in my life is because I have never found someone like Solomon.

"My past relationships where not as interesting, fun, motivating and crazy like I am in now."

"I was always treated like a "trophy girlfriend." The reason, I am saying this is because whenever I wanted to go out with them or just want to see them, they would be too busy to meet with me. They only came to see me when they wanted to, in their own time, not on my time."

"I have a bad reputation of guys just leaving me without telling me where they are off to. They would leave from province to province without even saying , goodbye Presh or It's over between us Presh."

"You know, coming to think about it, I am not surprised now, why they all left without saying goodbye. My father also did the very same thing. He left my mother, my little brother and myself, without saying goodbye. He has created a pattern in my life"

"I am now gratefull that they all left me, because I was not going to find my Mr. right. The relationship I am in now is my longest relationship ever. Normally, I would date a guy for atleast three months and the shortest time I have dated a guy was for two weeks"

I read through the whole script not realizing that I was now reading the last sentence. God, this woman loves me. Out of everything that had happened in the past, surely, Precious loves me.

She is God's gift to me. I realised the purpose of me living; living even when people were causing pain and hurt to me.

Thank you love. I will live for God, for you, my daughters and for God's people.


I have just known you for only 6 months, baby girl. Just when you were born on 30 April 2008. I knew God had chosen me to be the father of daughters.

The news of your birth reached me on my way home to get clothes for you and your mom. You were lying on a bed by your mom's side at Chamancule Hospital. You were so bright in comlexion with your eyes closed.

Nanette is the name I gave you. It was my ex-collegues name and yet I had no meaning for it.

Your birth brought joy to me and your mom. Though, you were born in poverty and hunger, you had a place in our hearts.

I remember the day you became very sick. Doctors said, you would not live to see the next day.

Goodness, here you are today; sio strong, energetic and playful young little girl.

Nanie, may God bless you and shower you with the wishes of your heart. Be a God fearing woman and reach out to the world. Be a blessing going in and coming out.

I love you Nanie.


The one thing I will never forget is that you were born from a sickly mom, yet you were born healthy. I am so speechless that I can't even describe God's power.

It was 14 November 2005 in Pretoria Hospital, where you were born. You were born in times of conflicts within the family.

I was at work when I recieved a phone call; "another baby girl is born!"

"Tracy is her name." I said to myself.

I had no meaning for the name once again, but for sure, Tracy will make a meaning for it one day.

I was glad to have you Tracy, but you couldn't remove the hurt your mother had caused in my life.

Today you are 3 years old and have just celebrated your birthday. You are a happy young girl, full of energy.

Be blessed, my daughter, live long, fear God all your life. Be a blessing to the nations and be heathly.

I love you Tracy.


I named you Constance the day you were born on 11 June 2000. You were such a young tiny innocent baby. You never cried or smiled.

You were born just past midday. The news of your birth reached me outside the clinic of Matola. A midwife came and shouted, " It is a girl!"

I was full of joy. I couldn't wait to see God's creation through me. It was a dream; yet it was a reality.

Today you are a grown up little girl, Connie. You are 8 years old. You have been brought up under poverty, family conflicts and you have stayed with strangers most of your time.

My child, God knows and he is a God who sees.

I don't know the meaning of your name, but I believe you will find a meaning for it when you are old enough.

Take these blessings my daughter.

"May God bless you and be a God fearing woman in your childhood, youth and adulthood. Be wise and everything you touch must be blessed. Be healthy, live long and wealthy.

I love you Connie.

Monday, November 24, 2008


Ben and Precious

As I take my pen and start to write; a testimony arises in me. In fact I’m in a state of confusion, pain and hurt. For the past 8 days, few things made me smile; my daughter and my wife,

Nevertheless, I have a testimony. I have seen God on earth. I have seen a man with a heart of God; a man who walks and live by the word of God. His character is not determined by his color of skin or by his wealth. His character is determined by the principles of the Holy book.

I have seen God; I have seen God in Ben Rodgers. The three months I have known him; was well enough to experience the love and kindness of God.

The first principle I saw in him is found in the book of Genesis Chapter 1 verse 26, “ Then God said, “ Let us make man in our own image in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the…”

The verse shows how God valued a human being. When he created everything that exists in this world; He solemnly declared by his mouth, “Let there be…” and it was so. When he created a human being the tune changed.

God summoned His Heavenly executive; God the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and he said, “Let us…” a decision hard to be reached by the Heavenly executive for a human being to exist, for that was God’s image.

It is the value Ben Rodgers gives to his fellow human beings. He is an ordinary human being with a heart of God and thank God, he is planted in Africa.

He is planted in Africa; in Africa; the continent of poverty, wars, and diseases. That is where Ben Rodgers and his family live. He does not care about ones background, condition, situation and appearance. He just honor and value God’s creation as God does.

I have seen God in a human being. In his eyes you see the love for Africa; you see the love for the children of this continent; you see the love of the hopeless. In Ben, I have seen God.

Remember Abraham in Genesis 18 verses 23 to 32 “Then approached him and said, “will you sweep away the righteous with the wicked (24), what if there are fifty righteous people in the city…?”

I want to believe that when he journeyed to Africa, Ben did not look how wicked Africa is, or for that matter; how people are dying of HIV and AIDS and how dictators are ruling this continent. He Knew all those negative things, but in his mind rang a sound of hope, “The children of Africa need to be rescued;” need to be rescued from the gods of their forefathers, hunger and starvation, diseases and ignorance. A great nation had to be groomed.

No wonder he emphasize certain values his servants need to abide in; you see all values in him. He is a hearted servant, his focus is on children, he is a man of integrity, excellence and he is Christ centered. His name is Ben Rodgers.

I cry out loud, “God” when I see him; my wife shouts “saviour” even in his absence. My first born shouts “hope”, my second born “joy”, while my last born shouts “life”. He is Ben.

I have seen him (Ben) through the smile of his servants, through their speech and testimonies, through their laughter and character, through their behaviour. I have seen God in Ben. God lives in him and by God Ben lives.

You see his love in his children, you hear his sound when you speak to his wife and you feel God’s anointing as you step in his house. Ben is a man of God.

He is such a great ambassador of heaven; I sometimes mistake him as one of the Heavenly hosts. He is a man for the poor, rich, hurt and disgraced; His name is Ben.

His words are encouraging; His words are motivating; His words heal; His words are a testimony of the Most High. His name is God.

I have seen God in Him. I experience His love through him.

May God bless you Ben Rodgers and your family. Let your love shine for the rest of your lives.


Precious and Solomon

Solomon and Precious

I and my wife are currently going through testing times. It’s a month we have been in Mozambique. By the way, Mozambique is a country of my origin. That is where I was born some 32 years ago; but the reality is; I’m totally a stranger amongst my people. This is caused by different reasons. I can’t communicate effectively in our local languages and I can’t connect well with the local lifestyle or culture.

When I arrived with my family in this country we perceived as a promise land, we bowed to God and thank Him for the wonderful things He is doing in our lives and which he is still going to do.

We have see God and we are a living testimony. We were just ready to serve; to serve God, the people and extend my pastor’s vision which is my vision and becoming a blessing to my people; the people of Mozambique.

Things turned so fast. As a family, we find ourselves in storms; heavy storms. Guess what, those storms has brought myself and my wife very close; so close that we only focus in Him, and reading more of His word. After all He is God; we live by His Grace on His soil.

I had been reading my favorite chapters in the bible for the past 5 days; the book of Genesis and of Exodus. I read about how God Value a human being.

When you read the bible you come to know that a human being’s creation or coming to existence was very unique compared to anything that God created. “Let there be …” were the words mainly used by God in creating the universe and everything in it’ “…and it was so, and God saw it was good; and that was the…”

When God created man, he summoned His heavenly executive in order to take a decision on our existence. That sounds uplifting. “Let us make man in our image…” God told His executive; God the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. That for sure gives you a hint how you and I are important unto God. In His image we were created.

I read about Joseph’s challenges he went through; his family was against him and his vision; The people on the streets saw him as less important and they sold him; when he thought he has found rest in the house of the governor, he was falsely accused and no one could listen to his side of the story; he found himself within the justice system of Egypt.

All these were some ways to prepare him for the good things yet to come. He was prepared to be a law maker, to be a family bread winner and to fulfill God’s plans for the Israelites.

I read the story of Abraham when he had to abide by God’s call to sacrifice his only son to God.

I read the story of Lot; how God saved him and his family from Sodom.

I read the story of the Israelites; how God made the king of Egypt to be stubborn, not permitting the Israelites to go and worship their God.

I read with understanding how God led His people out of Egypt.

I could go on and on, but I want to say, all happened for God to get the Glory and to fulfill His plans.

What we are going through with my wife currently is one way to take us to the next level. Someone can judge us; some people can try to stop us from dreaming; some people can hide their most horrible deeds and expose our mistakes; but God for sure value us the most.

He does not care about our past situation, past conditions, past mistakes; where we come from; He is just God for all. He will take us through.

People judge is based in our past, but God does not even remind us about our past.

Thank God, the challenges we are going through brings us closer to God and I have started writing about my biography. I’ll post some scripts to my blog. It is entitled Journeying. It’s my life about my childhood, as a child soldier, at school, as a boxer, born again Christian, an Evangelist, romance and a father of his daughters.

Watch this space.

God Loves you and be blessed