Gauteng, RSA. Mobile: +27 72 356 8282. Email: Psalm 71:20 - "Though you have made me see troubles; many troubles and bitter troubles, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Earth Day Celebration
I spent this day of the 22nd April 2010 distributing trees, marking the 40th anniverssary of Earth Day. Food & Trees for Africa inconjuction with Audi (Sponsor) distributed 500 trees to the community of Olievehoutbosch north of Johannesburg. It was a great day. For more info visit: or
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
A Miracle Child

See Nanette at 1 year! Click:
Nanette was born in a location of Chamanculo in Maputo, Mozambique. It was exactly at 09h30 when I received the news that Nanette has arrived. By that time I was already on my way to Chamanculo hospital. “Thank God!” I said on my arrival at the hospital seeing a beautiful baby girl lying beside her mom.
“Welcome to the world Nanette.” I said as I lifted up my third baby girl, and I thanked my wife for such a wonderful gift.
“Her name is Nanette.” I said with pride, “… and her other name is Sarah.” We gave our new baby girl love because we had nothing else to give her. We had no money for a welcoming party and we had no friends. But we were so glad to have baby Nanette, and her presence could be felt.
7 days after she was born, I had to allocate to Swaziland with my family. In Swaziland, after 3 months Nanette became very, very sick. The last day we took her to hospital in Mbabane, the Doctor gave us no hope as he said, “This child will not see the next day.”
My wife could not control herself. She broke into tears. She couldn’t even hold the baby because Nanette was just like a dead child. The top of her skull had a big hole. I came closer to my wife and said, “Do you believe in God?” She did not respond. I said to her, “My God sees our situation. Lift up your eyes to the mountains because that’s where our help come from.” Holding my baby girl in my arms, I looked into the sky and I said, “God, if you have borrowed us this child for just a little while please take her now. We are not ready to see her going through such pains. But if you will keep her for us until she sees her great granchildren, let it be so; let your will be done. In Jesus name.”
We went home with my wife given only the mixture of sugar and water; and we were instructed to boil 2 litres of water and pour the powder inside and stir. We were told to feed her each and every second.
We did as instructed. The whole night we couldn’t sleep as we gave her that only medication. She had a running stomach. She did not cry but she was making a funny noise when breathing; breathing with difficulty. Her body turned pale. She was going! I was loosing faith, but we kept on feeding her the mixture they gave us.
I sang a song the whole night, “I know the Lord will make a way for me.” Even when I saw that there was no hope, I knew God is watching. I made a vow, “God. No matter what happens, I will never move away from you. It was not easy.
Nanette is a fighter; Nanette is a soldier! In the morning hours of the next day, she looked well. Her skull was normal; her complexion became the original one and I saw a smile for the first time in 3 days on both Nanette and my wife.
I went down on my knees, “Thankyou Lord, she is well.” We took her back to the hospital as the Doctor instructed in the early hours of that morning. As we arrived, the Doctor told us, “She is well.” “Praise be to God!!!” I said. We were given more medicines to give her, but the same Doctor who gave us no hope the day before, assured us that “she is well”.
I went down on my knees, “Thankyou Lord, she is well.” We took her back to the hospital as the Doctor instructed in the early hours of that morning. As we arrived, the Doctor told us, “She is well.” “Praise be to God!!!” I said. We were given more medicines to give her, but the same Doctor who gave us no hope the day before, assured us that “she is well”.
“Thankyou Lord for Nanette. Thankyou Lord that she is a living testimony. Thankyou Lord that you will use her as a vessel of change in this world, for she was born for a reason; and the reason is to serve you. Thankyou Lord! Bless her as she grow. Be the provider; the protector; and guide her through her ways. Let her be a blessing wherever she goes, In Jesus name.”
Nanette is turning 2 years on 30th April 2010. Her birthday party will celebrated at Silahliwe Squatter camp on a Saturday. There are two other kids who are catered under the Benjamin Dube Children’s Foundation ( or who are celebrating their birthdays the same month of April. We have decided to have one joint birthday celebration.
I thank God for my Nanette!!!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
My sweet Angel!!!
This is my little daughter’s month, Nanette.
The meaning of the name Nanette is Grace. The origin of the name Nanette is French. I named her after my ex-colleague at Khulisa Crime Prevention Innitiatie. I liked that lady as she was so intelligent and working very smart. I wished my daughter would be like her, and the name is so unique with a great meaning. Nanette’s second name is Sarah, named after her grand mother; Sarah Thethiwe Mahlangu.
Nanette was born on the 30th April 2008. She is my third and last born, and my wife’s first born. Nanette will be turning 2 years old. She is now a big little girl, and she is very talkative. She is very active and can challenge any one at any time. She set her own rules and regulations, and no is no to her.

Nanette loves music. She always sings many songs of different tunes with one tune.
“I was born…
I was born….
I was born, I was born to follow my Lord
My brother are you raedy?
My sister are you ready?
Are you ready?
Are you ready, to follow my Lord?
Ah…ha amen…
Ah…ha amen…
Ah…ha amen…
Ah…ha amen…
Ah…ha amen…
Ah…ha amen…
Ah…ha amen..
Ngiya kuthanda,
Moyo ‘yingcwele,
Ngiya kuthanda,
Moyo ‘yingcwele”
Herbs Happening Exhibition
Everything in God; we say; Take your time and just look around.
Look around; Look around. Take your time and just look around.
Look around; Look around. Take your time and just look around.
He made the mountains; He made the seas. Take your time and just look around.
He made the mountains; He made the seas. Take your time and just look around.
God's creation is beautiful, no doubt about that. He did not give us fokongs, but he gave us quality.
Thank you Lord for your love!
Joanne Rolt agrees with me on that one!
Come to South Africa and see beauty!!!
Herbs every where!!! This place reminds of the garden of Eden!!!
Friday, April 16, 2010
1. Dig a square hole, half a metre wide by half a metre deep. Keep the dark top-soil seperated from the lighter soil beneath it. Put the top-soil in the bottom of the hole.
2. Remove the plastic bag and place the tree upright in the hole so that the base of the tree is just below ground level.
3. Next to the tree’s roots, plant an empty 2-litre cold drink bottle with holes made in the bottom (or a pipe) at an angle. The top must stick out of the ground.
4. Mix a small amount of compost or kraal manure with the leftover lighter soil and pack if firmly in the hole.
5. Measure one spade-llength in distance around the tree. In this area, remove all grass and weeds. Water the tree and add a 10cm layer of mulch (leaves, stones, straw or strips of newspaper). The mulch must not touch the tree.
6. Fill the bottle or pipe with water once a week. This prevents wastage by sending water straight to the tree’s roots. Once you have waterd the tree, put the lid on the bottle to prevent everporation. After the first year, water the tree only when the soil is dry.
7. Place a wooden stake next to the tree and tie it loosely to the tree’s trunk with soft material such as an old stocking to help it to grow straight.
8. Fruit trees must be planted in winter.
9. For pests grind onions and garlic, mix with twice the amount of water.
10. Allow mixture to simmer on heat for two hours.
11. Spray the tree with the mixture.
12. Fruit trees must be pruned in winter.
2. Remove the plastic bag and place the tree upright in the hole so that the base of the tree is just below ground level.
3. Next to the tree’s roots, plant an empty 2-litre cold drink bottle with holes made in the bottom (or a pipe) at an angle. The top must stick out of the ground.
4. Mix a small amount of compost or kraal manure with the leftover lighter soil and pack if firmly in the hole.
5. Measure one spade-llength in distance around the tree. In this area, remove all grass and weeds. Water the tree and add a 10cm layer of mulch (leaves, stones, straw or strips of newspaper). The mulch must not touch the tree.
6. Fill the bottle or pipe with water once a week. This prevents wastage by sending water straight to the tree’s roots. Once you have waterd the tree, put the lid on the bottle to prevent everporation. After the first year, water the tree only when the soil is dry.
7. Place a wooden stake next to the tree and tie it loosely to the tree’s trunk with soft material such as an old stocking to help it to grow straight.
8. Fruit trees must be planted in winter.
9. For pests grind onions and garlic, mix with twice the amount of water.
10. Allow mixture to simmer on heat for two hours.
11. Spray the tree with the mixture.
12. Fruit trees must be pruned in winter.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Someone help this family
I was touched by the story of Bongani Makhanda narrated to me by his brother Pheelo (10); on how Bongani was burnt. “My brother was siting next to the traditional stove (imbawula); when suddenly I came across and mistakenly I kicked the stove which had boiling water. The water fell on my little brother and my elder brother”. Said Pheelo.
He was very sad when the incident happened. This family stays in a 3x3m room. There are 6 in total; no father in the house. The house is built out of corrugated irons. The family survives on monthly grants which finsishes within 3 days. The mother is unemployed. We appeal to God’s children to help this family.

Servolution 4th Day : 5th April 2010)
Servolution 3rd Day : 4th April 2010)
4th April 2010 – On this day, we embarked on making a food garden for the kids’ project. We managed to work for 6 hours. Our aim is to plant vegetables for the children.
On the same day, the bretheren from High Praise Church came to the squatter camp to distribute niknaks and sweets to the children and arranged for the next day to come and be with them the whole day.
Servolution (2nd Day : 3rd April 2010)

Servolution (1st Day : 2nd April 2010)
2 April 2010 – Foodbank South Africa donated food to the Benjamin Dube Foundation on the 1st April 2010, which was distributed to 25 children in Silahliwe Squatter camp near Meyerton. Children were so happy do receive food parcels during Easters. It was a great gift for them. “We thank Foodbank for the commitment and support for our children.” Said one happy parent. It feels good to see children smiling carrying food in their hands. We appreciate what Foodbank is doing and we hope for a long term partnership between the 2 organisations.
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