Gauteng, RSA. Mobile: +27 72 356 8282. Email: Psalm 71:20 - "Though you have made me see troubles; many troubles and bitter troubles, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Interaction with staff members at Nkobe
I was well received by all the care workers at Nkobe. It felt as if I had been with them for the past 2 years. The cooks, the maintenance team, the teachers and the MoM representative were good to me.
I worked side by side the MoM representative, Mr. Fernando Daude Nala. He had been good to me and so helpful. We connected very well. I believe that he still has a lot to learn but he is doing exceptionally well.
Achievements and positive things happening in the centre
The teachers are very active and they put all their efforts towards the children’s program. They are punctual and that shows commitment. The children learn, sing, dance and they are fed. The teachers cooperate with the rest of the team to ensure the effectiveness of the program. These teachers are Celeste, Elfina, Fina and Marcos.
The mom representative, Mr. Nala also cooperates well with the other staff members. He is considered as the mediator amongst those care givers who are not in good terms with each other.
The cooks were very good and so welcoming. It’s laughter around them. It is a pity that any small conflict comes from them, but they manage to deal with it immediately.
The workers appreciate their leaders, Pastor Isaac and his wife Carol. They appreciate their leadership a lot. They say good and positive things about them.
On the Mission of Mercy side, there is a lot that needs to be done.
Mr. Nala needs to learn how to use a computer.
The MOM representative needs to set his administration in order.
He needs to do proper filing for each and every child, keep his records in orderly (alphabetically) form.
He needs to keep proper records of ALL the children who are at the care point e.g., pictures, and different MOM forms, and have the relevant children’s name on those forms and dates of birth.
He needs to do house visits so that he is able to get more and more information about the children.
Suggestions {Children’s Cup}
Administration set up.
Designing Nkobe’s children birth certificates. This need to be completed by the parents of ALL the children who come to the care point. It consists of the child’s first name, middle name{also very important in Mozambique}, surname, date of birth, number of the siblings and the names of those who attend at the care point, father and mother’s names and their occupations and more information about the child’s healthy wise and behavior. These will be kept in the file even if the child has not received a sponsor yet.
Design a 6 month English lesson programme for the teachers and the MoM representative.
Design an early childhood English programme for the pre school children.
Design a computer basic lesson for the children.
Suggestions {Church}
I’m willing to serve under Pastor Isaac and also start with cell group meetings.
I can’t wait to start working in Maputo. It is now up to Pastor Isaac and his wife Carol and the team.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The computer could not download Tracy's picture. I'll try next time.
I thank God for my 3 daughters He blessed me with; Tracy, Connie and Nanette, and I dedicate the following song to them:
Jesus Really Loves Me
I thank God for my 3 daughters He blessed me with; Tracy, Connie and Nanette, and I dedicate the following song to them:
Jesus Really Loves Me
Steve Israel
Verse 1)
You were singing little songs to Jesus
When you weren't even two years old
I still remember the night at a party
You pulled a string on a singing doll
As it started to sing, "Jesus Loves Me"
I almost fell out of my chair
When right on cue you sang it too
Thought I heard two little angels there
But this I know...
Jesus really loves me
For He gave me my little girl
Jesus really loves me
She's the sweetest gift in this world
(Verse 2)
On the day we welcomed your arrival
I was so overjoyed I cried
Now in the blink of an eye you are grown up
Where did time get its wings to fly?
As he placed the ring on your finger
I almost fell out of my chair
When right on cue you said, "I do"
Think I left my heart in pieces there
But this I know...
Jesus really loves me
For He gave me my little girl
Jesus really loves me
She's the sweetest gift in this world
Yes, I know my Jesus loves me
The Bible tells me so its true
But so do her eyes whenever she smiles
And says, "Daddy, I love you."
Jesus really loves me
For He gave me my little girl
Jesus really loves me
She's the sweetest gift in this world
(Ending)You were singing little songs to Jesus
When you weren't even two years old
Listen to the song by visiting:
Verse 1)
You were singing little songs to Jesus
When you weren't even two years old
I still remember the night at a party
You pulled a string on a singing doll
As it started to sing, "Jesus Loves Me"
I almost fell out of my chair
When right on cue you sang it too
Thought I heard two little angels there
But this I know...
Jesus really loves me
For He gave me my little girl
Jesus really loves me
She's the sweetest gift in this world
(Verse 2)
On the day we welcomed your arrival
I was so overjoyed I cried
Now in the blink of an eye you are grown up
Where did time get its wings to fly?
As he placed the ring on your finger
I almost fell out of my chair
When right on cue you said, "I do"
Think I left my heart in pieces there
But this I know...
Jesus really loves me
For He gave me my little girl
Jesus really loves me
She's the sweetest gift in this world
Yes, I know my Jesus loves me
The Bible tells me so its true
But so do her eyes whenever she smiles
And says, "Daddy, I love you."
Jesus really loves me
For He gave me my little girl
Jesus really loves me
She's the sweetest gift in this world
(Ending)You were singing little songs to Jesus
When you weren't even two years old
Listen to the song by visiting:
Monday, September 15, 2008
One Moment I Cry!!!!!!!!!!
Every time someone ask me about my background I weep.
My pastor and director asked me to write someting about myself; I mean my little biograpphy. There is nothing wrong about me writting about my past; but when I start talking about my life as a child soldier I cry. That is the only moment I cry.
I invite you to join my pastor as he reads my biography.
'I was born on 31 July 1976 in 16Km, Maputo Mozambique as Tshekefane Domingoes Mondlane. I changed to Solomon because Swazis could not pronounce the Mozambique names. I never attended school in Mozambique.
At 9 years I witnessed the abduction of my aunt Leah. She was raped and beaten before she was abducted. At same age, my elder brother escaped with me to settle in Swaziland as a refugee at Malindza Refugee camp; then to Big Bend.
At 10 in 1986, I moved to Mbabane after I was told that my father lived there. It is the same year that I started with my primary school (Grade 1) at John Wesley Primary School under Mrs. Hlatjwako.
In 1988, my father who was an ex-FRELIMO commander (Mozambique Ruling Party) died.
At age 13 I was abducted by the Rebel Movement Agents, RENAMO on my way to school. That was 1989. I spent 6 months in the bush with the rebels. I was trained to kill, torture and to take anything by force. Dead bodies carried from the war fields were used as training targets. We would shoot at the bodies until one feels that is ready to kill a living human being. I got used at killing with an AK47; An AK47 became a toy to me. We raped innocent women and killed innocent children who had nothing to do with the war.
After 6 months in the bush, through the help of other senior members of RENAMO, I managed to escape from the rebel camp back to Swaziland where I was reunited with my family and I was accepted back at school; but I was never the same Solomon they used to know.
I was so stubborn and cruel. I could not look someone straight to his/her eyes. A human being was my enemy.
The lady (Nicole) I used to work for in Big Bend as a garden boy had moved to Mbabane where I also helped her with her garden. She noticed my strange behaviour. She then approached my principal and together with my mother they helped me go to a rehabilitation centre in South Africa. I spent 6 months and when I came back I was a changed young man.
Today when my ex-primary school principal, Mrs. Hlatjwako; My ex-boss, Nicole and those who knew the cruel Solomon see me, they celebrate.
In 1991, I completed my primary level at John Wesley Primary School.
I moved to St. Francis High School where I did my Junior Certificate.
In 1996 I completed my O’level certificate at St. Francis High school and this is the year I was born again at Deeper Life Bible Church.
In 1997 I moved to South Africa, I worked as a security guard.
In 1999 I got married to Nina Chitofo who is the mother of my first 2 daughters; Constance and Tracy. We divorced in 2006 March after she confessed that she had sexual intercourse with 3 guys and pleading for forgiveness. I couldn’t take it because our house had turned to be a boxing ring, we decided to divorce.
Since 2002 to 2008 I’ve worked for the Youth Development Outreach as a mentor and programme facilitator; Love life as a ground breaker and national debate coordinator; South Africa Youth Commission as Tshwane representative; Partido Nacional Democrata as an author and advisor to the Member of Parliament; Dr. Jose Massinga Foundation as a director; Khulisa Crime Prevention Initiative as a programme facilitator and receptionist; Friends of Mozambique as a Mozambican representative in South Africa; Procomputrain College as a tutor; Bilene Institute of Studies as a marketing manager and programme facilitator; African Vision as a programme facilitator and the African Community Development Projects as a SADC regional coordinator; and now with Children’s Cup. (NB: Some of the jobs were part time)
In 1997 August, I married Precious Busisiwe Mahlangu, the mother of my 3rd born Nanette. We were blessed in church and we are planning to have a big feast with friends once we have money.
Religious wise; I was born again in July 1996 at Deeper Life Bible Church. I moved to South Africa and I was with Baptist Church.
I moved to Mozambique in 1999 and I was with Mission Action Evangelical Church.
In 2000 I moved to South Africa and I was with Members in Christ Church.
In 2003 I was in Mozambique with Mission Action Church.
In 2004 to 2007 I was with Members in Christ Church in South Africa.
In 2006 I did my National Diploma in Human Resources and Business Management at Procomputrain College.
Now I’m with Healing Place Church.
The reason for attending different churches is that I could not allocate the same church when I moved from one place to another.
In Members In Christ I was ordained as a junior evangelist and teach during mid week sermons. I was an interpreter of English to Zulu when my Pastor, senior Evangelist or any visitor was preaching.
I also ran school evangelism programmes in Pretoria, Maputo and Mbabane.
My Spiritual father is Pastor, Francis Ledwaba.
I am the author of the following books;
The Life and Walks of Dr. Jose C. Massinga (published)
A Clown In A President-Samora Machel (published)
You Cheat-You Die (Not published)
My Precious Love (Not published)
Winning The Battle In the Market Place (Not Published)
I think that is all about Solomon Mondlane.'
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Dear Natalie and Zinty
Thank God for giving us wonderful and caring friends like you, Natalie and Zinty. You make us proud, and make life more interesting and meaningful to us.
>>>>>When we are hungry, you are always by our side.
>>>>>When we have much work to do, you are always available to assist.
>>>>>When we need an outing, you always consider being with us.
>>>>>When we need clothes, you provide.
>>>>>When we need love, you give it in double portion.
Presh and Solly
Thank God for giving us wonderful and caring friends like you, Natalie and Zinty. You make us proud, and make life more interesting and meaningful to us.
>>>>>When we are hungry, you are always by our side.
>>>>>When we have much work to do, you are always available to assist.
>>>>>When we need an outing, you always consider being with us.
>>>>>When we need clothes, you provide.
>>>>>When we need love, you give it in double portion.
Presh and Solly
Genesis 12: 2-3 “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing”.3. “I will bless those who bless you and whoever curses you I will curse; and all people on earth will be blessed through you.”
I’d love to thank all those who contributed positively when I and my family were going through hard times. May the good Lord bless them and give them strength to serve Him and the people in need. FOR THEY BLESSED YOUR SERVANT LORD IN NEED – THEY ARE BLESSED.
Mrs. Adams of Extension 3, Mbabane
I don’t know much of this woman but what I know is that; her late daughter, Pamela Adams was my classmate at St. Francis High school in 1995-1996.
I came to her house very late at night. We had nothing in the house to eat. The baby had nothing to eat too, and my 3 year old had nothing. There was nothing in the house to eat. I mean NOTHING.
On my arrival at the gate, I pushed my way in. Hunger was pushing me. I didn’t think of the dogs, but as I looked behind me, I found 4 big dogs starring at me. I pushed the door in front of me without knocking. OOppss! I was inside the door and everyone I found starred at me, amazed.
One young gentleman just laughed, for he understood what had just happened and came to me. He was polite. I greeted him and told him that I was in need of mealie meal.
He didn’t ask many questions, but went to the kitchen where his mother had been. After some 10 minutes, the mama of the house came with a 5kg of mealie meal and a big, big cabbage.
My heart jumped for joy and I celebrated.
“Thank you very much mama!” I said. “May God bless you.” I was very happy. That mealie meal meant something to me. My entire family including the baby could survive out of it. Mrs. Adams was touched and she blessed me and promised that she would pray for me to get a better job.
>>>>>Pastor Nyathi of AME Church in Msunduza for half a kilo of rice. God bless you Mfundisi.
>>>>>Mr. John Bukutu of Amadi College for R40.00. God Bless you.
>>>>>Sisi Fikile Mondlane-Hlophe for blankets, pots, clothes, bed and food. God bless you sisi.
>>>>>Sister Raula Mondlane for shelter and food and prayers. God bless you sisi.
>>>>>Brother Vincent Mondlane for shelter
>>>>>Mrs. Tfwala the principal of John Wesley primary in Msunduza. For allowing my daughter Connie to study at the school even when we had no money for school fees.
>>>>>Sisi Bella Mondlane for staying with my daughter Connie. God Bless you.
>>>>> Vuyisile Maseko for giving clothes to my daughter Connie. God Bless you Ntombi. She is just 15 and she can identify the needy and give. (I’ll write something about her)
>>>>> Marlene Mondlane foir giving my baby Nanette clothes.
>>>>> Zinty and Natalie, my colleagues and family friends for their love to my wife and the family; for food, clothes for my daughter Tracy, assistance in our home work, shoes for my wife and many, many things. (I’ll definitely write something about the 2.)
>>>>> LaHlophe for food, love and allowing us to have a prayer group in her house.
>>>>> LaNgwenya for love, prayers and allowing us to pray in her house.
>>>>> Gogo Simelane – for Tracy’s clothes, ovacados and bread and allowing us to hold prayers in her house.
>>>>> Make Dlamini for ovacados.
>>>>> Ps. Ben Rodgers of Childrens Cup for the job I have and restoring me to my rightful position.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Exodus10:9 “And Moses said, We will go with our young and with our old, with our sons and with our daughters, with our flocks and with our herds will we go; for we must hold a feast unto the LORD.”
It was on the 18th August 2008 when I had an appointment with Ps. Ben Rodgers. Infect the whole weekend I had been praying about my appointment with Ps. Ben. I now had an idea that he was also the Director of children’s Cup apart from being the pastor of Healing Place Church.
The whole of that weekend I had been praying against all curses created against me. I had high hopes that my life will change for good.
I was supposed to see Ps. Ben alone, but I started thinking about the Israelites when they were about to leave Egypt to the promise land, Canaan. Pharaoh asked Moses, “…but who are they that shall go?” Exodus 10:8.
Moses answered, “…We will go with our young and with our old, with our sons and with our daughters, with our flocks and with our herds will we go; for we must hold a feast unto the LORD.”
I looked around me, and I saw anointing upon my family, and that was the anointing I had to carry with me to Ps. Ben’s office. I knew very well that the family was sick and tired of poverty and we had rise as one against it.
I woke up my family early in the morning. We all bath and we hit the road, footing. We had to walk for 1 hour to Ps. Ben’s office.
It was raining and we had no umbrellas or rain coats. We looked very horrible. We were like refugees who had no where to live. My wife was carrying little Nanette on her back with many plastic bags, and I was carrying Tracy. Connie was not staying with us.
We were the first ones to reach Ps. Ben’s office. We set at the reception like a lost couple for almost 45 minutes.
Every staff member who entered by the reception had a bright smile and sending their greetings to us, except one “old white lady” who was not even willing to have us use the office toilets. That’s when we realised that poverty can sometime make you look like a thief.
Ps. Ben came at last. He greeted us and went pass to his office. There was something noticeable about this man; he was always happy.
Just after 8 minutes he came back to the reception; “Solomon you can come in.” He said with a smile.
Yes it was the time; we followed him up the steps to his office. I mean the whole family followed him. The family had an appointment with Ps. Ben. I know he was not expecting the whole crew to be in his office.
There we were, all of us in his office. He seemed not bothered by us. He gave us chairs and set just in front of us as some shepherded in the wilderness.
“Solomon, I saw your CV and I realised that you also have some business skills.’ He said.
‘Thanks Pastor. I do have some business skills.’ I responded.
“Now, what can you do if I can bring you in and work with us? What is it that you can offer? What is it that you are thinking in your mind right now?” Ps. Ben said.
“It is my dream to work with street kids. I can design a suitable programme for them, especially being in Mozambique that can be a dream come true. As a former child soldier I believe I owe my community to work for them.” I said.
“Guys I know you are desperate and your life does not look good. I want to give you something to do Solomon to earn a living; then I’ll talk with Ps. Isaac in Mozambique so that you can be placed there.” He talked so fast.
“Thanks pastor. I and my wife had been longing for this day.” I said with a smile.
“Precious, what can you do?” asked Ps. Ben. I did not get to hear what my wife had to say as I was disturbed by Tracy who wanted to go to the ‘girls’. I know that she told him about her ambitions of completing her university studies and continuing with her modelling career.
As we came back Ps. Ben said, “Well you can also correspond while you are in Swaziland with UNISA.”
“Great. God needs to fix your life. I will invest in you guys.” Ps. Ben said. “When were you married?” He asked.
“August 2007.” I responded.
“Good.” He said. “Solomon, the sky is the limit. It will be up to you how hard you work without being pushed around. Mozambique needs people, but it is so hard to find reliable people. I will keep you here in Swaziland for a while until I know you better. Mean while I need to invest in you guys.” He said while marching out of his office.
He came back with a small box of cell phone and a R100 note.
“Solomon this is yours. Please buy a starter pack and buzz me. You can’t work for us without a cell phone” He said.
I couldn’t believe my sight as I received the gifts. My wife was in tears. Everything happened too fast.
I embraced my wife. She was in tears. Ps. Ben was also emotional. He wanted to cry. He gave us Children’s Cup booklet. Tracy was very happy. She jumped with jubilation. The pastor watched her with excitement. Nanette smiled. The whole family was excited. Blessings were pouring.
Ps. Ben wanted to know more about how Precious met me, but he was rushing for a staff meeting. He encouraged us to worship God and thank God for everything. I also left my DVD and the book I once wrote.
Ps. Ben released us. On our way out, we were called in to join the staff when praying. We were also introduced to the whole staff.
Yes, that was it. We were out of Cup’s office heading home. We were very happy. Praises were given to God. Each and every person we met whom we knew was told the good news.
Today I am with Children’s Cup under Zinty’s mentorship. I’m being prepared to go and work in Maputo probably by the end of October 2008.
Since I started working with Cup, we had many visits and outings with our friends Zinty and Natalie. My children were also blessed with clothes. I mean the 3 of them. The family was blessed with food.
Good things happened. Connie even passed well at school. THANK GOD for that.
It was on the 18th August 2008 when I had an appointment with Ps. Ben Rodgers. Infect the whole weekend I had been praying about my appointment with Ps. Ben. I now had an idea that he was also the Director of children’s Cup apart from being the pastor of Healing Place Church.
The whole of that weekend I had been praying against all curses created against me. I had high hopes that my life will change for good.
I was supposed to see Ps. Ben alone, but I started thinking about the Israelites when they were about to leave Egypt to the promise land, Canaan. Pharaoh asked Moses, “…but who are they that shall go?” Exodus 10:8.
Moses answered, “…We will go with our young and with our old, with our sons and with our daughters, with our flocks and with our herds will we go; for we must hold a feast unto the LORD.”
I looked around me, and I saw anointing upon my family, and that was the anointing I had to carry with me to Ps. Ben’s office. I knew very well that the family was sick and tired of poverty and we had rise as one against it.
I woke up my family early in the morning. We all bath and we hit the road, footing. We had to walk for 1 hour to Ps. Ben’s office.
It was raining and we had no umbrellas or rain coats. We looked very horrible. We were like refugees who had no where to live. My wife was carrying little Nanette on her back with many plastic bags, and I was carrying Tracy. Connie was not staying with us.
We were the first ones to reach Ps. Ben’s office. We set at the reception like a lost couple for almost 45 minutes.
Every staff member who entered by the reception had a bright smile and sending their greetings to us, except one “old white lady” who was not even willing to have us use the office toilets. That’s when we realised that poverty can sometime make you look like a thief.
Ps. Ben came at last. He greeted us and went pass to his office. There was something noticeable about this man; he was always happy.
Just after 8 minutes he came back to the reception; “Solomon you can come in.” He said with a smile.
Yes it was the time; we followed him up the steps to his office. I mean the whole family followed him. The family had an appointment with Ps. Ben. I know he was not expecting the whole crew to be in his office.
There we were, all of us in his office. He seemed not bothered by us. He gave us chairs and set just in front of us as some shepherded in the wilderness.
“Solomon, I saw your CV and I realised that you also have some business skills.’ He said.
‘Thanks Pastor. I do have some business skills.’ I responded.
“Now, what can you do if I can bring you in and work with us? What is it that you can offer? What is it that you are thinking in your mind right now?” Ps. Ben said.
“It is my dream to work with street kids. I can design a suitable programme for them, especially being in Mozambique that can be a dream come true. As a former child soldier I believe I owe my community to work for them.” I said.
“Guys I know you are desperate and your life does not look good. I want to give you something to do Solomon to earn a living; then I’ll talk with Ps. Isaac in Mozambique so that you can be placed there.” He talked so fast.
“Thanks pastor. I and my wife had been longing for this day.” I said with a smile.
“Precious, what can you do?” asked Ps. Ben. I did not get to hear what my wife had to say as I was disturbed by Tracy who wanted to go to the ‘girls’. I know that she told him about her ambitions of completing her university studies and continuing with her modelling career.
As we came back Ps. Ben said, “Well you can also correspond while you are in Swaziland with UNISA.”
“Great. God needs to fix your life. I will invest in you guys.” Ps. Ben said. “When were you married?” He asked.
“August 2007.” I responded.
“Good.” He said. “Solomon, the sky is the limit. It will be up to you how hard you work without being pushed around. Mozambique needs people, but it is so hard to find reliable people. I will keep you here in Swaziland for a while until I know you better. Mean while I need to invest in you guys.” He said while marching out of his office.
He came back with a small box of cell phone and a R100 note.
“Solomon this is yours. Please buy a starter pack and buzz me. You can’t work for us without a cell phone” He said.
I couldn’t believe my sight as I received the gifts. My wife was in tears. Everything happened too fast.
I embraced my wife. She was in tears. Ps. Ben was also emotional. He wanted to cry. He gave us Children’s Cup booklet. Tracy was very happy. She jumped with jubilation. The pastor watched her with excitement. Nanette smiled. The whole family was excited. Blessings were pouring.
Ps. Ben wanted to know more about how Precious met me, but he was rushing for a staff meeting. He encouraged us to worship God and thank God for everything. I also left my DVD and the book I once wrote.
Ps. Ben released us. On our way out, we were called in to join the staff when praying. We were also introduced to the whole staff.
Yes, that was it. We were out of Cup’s office heading home. We were very happy. Praises were given to God. Each and every person we met whom we knew was told the good news.
Today I am with Children’s Cup under Zinty’s mentorship. I’m being prepared to go and work in Maputo probably by the end of October 2008.
Since I started working with Cup, we had many visits and outings with our friends Zinty and Natalie. My children were also blessed with clothes. I mean the 3 of them. The family was blessed with food.
Good things happened. Connie even passed well at school. THANK GOD for that.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Luke 15:18 “I will ARISE and go to my father and say, ‘Father, I have sinned against God and against you.’”
Then Jesus said, "A man had two sons,
and the younger son said to his father, 'Father, give me the share of your estate that should come to me.' So the father divided the property between them.
After a few days, the younger son collected all his belongings and set off to a distant country where he squandered his inheritance on a life of dissipation.
When he had freely spent everything, a severe famine struck that country, and he found himself in dire need.
So he hired himself out to one of the local citizens who sent him to his farm to tend the swine.
And he longed to eat his fill of the pods on which the swine fed, but nobody gave him any.
Coming to his senses he thought, 'How many of my father's hired workers have more than enough food to eat, but here am I, dying from hunger.
I will ARISE and go to my father and I shall say to him, "Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you.
I no longer deserve to be called your son; treat me as you would treat one of your hired workers."'
So he got up and went back to his father. While he was still a long way off, his father caught sight of him, and was filled with compassion. He ran to his son, embraced him and kissed him.
His son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you; I no longer deserve to be called your son.'
But his father ordered his servants, 'Quickly bring the finest robe and put it on him; put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet.
Take the fattened calf and slaughter it. Then let us celebrate with a feast,
because this son of mine was dead, and has come to life again; he was lost, and has been found.' Then the celebration began.”
This is the scripture that blesses me so much. I like the part where it says, “Coming to his senses…”
When his senses started functioning well, the young man started thinking about the qualities his father had. He knew that he was a loving father, caring father, welcoming father, not selfish father, a giving father and a humble one.
The young man started realising that where he was, was not where he was supposed to be. He started realising that he was still a very important person to his father; no matter the situation he was facing. He realised that he was not supposed to feed himself with pigs’ food. He was the most precious gift to his father.
He boldly announced these words, “I WILL ARISE…” .
He realised that he had to arise against the situation he was facing. This is where I want to focus the most. I and Precious knew that we were more important to God. No matter the situation we were facing; no matter what people were saying about us and the life of poverty we were in.
We knew that we were not alone in that situation. We had to arise above the situation of poverty, of hunger, of rejection, of sicknesses and above those who talked bad about us. We knew that God was on our side.
We knew that poverty and hardships were not meant for us.
We cried to God to intervene in our situation. We asked God to forgive us and stop the curses against us. We asked God to restore everything that the devil had stolen from us. THAT WAS THE FIRST STEP WE TOOK.
Secondly we had to ‘walk the walk’ and ‘talk the talk’ and God would carry us through. We had to walk with our heads up, walk as victorious people.
It all started on the 14th August 2008. It was a Thursday. My day did not start very well. I had some few disappointments. As the day ended, at about 14h00, it came to my thought that only God can make me and my family happy again.
I decided to sit at the Internet café and browse a while. I had to look for a church I could attend with my family. We had never been to church ever since we arrived in Swaziland 3 months ago. We only had weekly home cell prayers in our community.
As I was browsing, I came across this website; “Wow!!!” I said with amazement.
I quickly noticed that it was a unique church, a church that serves.
It was already 15h30. I had to rush home to get my family into a new church. Someone by the Internet Café gave me directions to the church. I had to walk for 35 minutes to my place in the outskirts of the city of Mbabane to get my family.
I had to come with them and be a testimony to a new different God’s setup.
On my arrival, I told my wife about the church and she was eager to go with me. We bath all our children, Tracy and Nanette. Unfortunately my elder daughter was not staying with us.
We arrived at the church at exactly 17h30. We set quietly side by side with my wife and children. “Wow!” my wife whispers to my ears. “I would love to be here all the time.” She continued. I smiled realising that she loved the church set up and the people.
The people were full of smiles and they were all happy. The pastor was very active and everything looked really good.
Infect, everything looked new to us. The way he preached was something that caught our attention. He involved everyone in what ever he was saying. The band was wonderful.
The service ended while we were having group discussions. Just after the church service we met Pastor Ben. We introduced ourselves and we requested for an appointment with him.
We were very happy to be at the church. We were also transported back home. It was so great, and we were so curious to meet ps. Ben on the following Monday.
On that weekend the church had to serve in our community and we decided to join with them.
Read on part 4. Get the really testimony when the family had to meet Ps. Ben on the following Monday.
Then Jesus said, "A man had two sons,
and the younger son said to his father, 'Father, give me the share of your estate that should come to me.' So the father divided the property between them.
After a few days, the younger son collected all his belongings and set off to a distant country where he squandered his inheritance on a life of dissipation.
When he had freely spent everything, a severe famine struck that country, and he found himself in dire need.
So he hired himself out to one of the local citizens who sent him to his farm to tend the swine.
And he longed to eat his fill of the pods on which the swine fed, but nobody gave him any.
Coming to his senses he thought, 'How many of my father's hired workers have more than enough food to eat, but here am I, dying from hunger.
I will ARISE and go to my father and I shall say to him, "Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you.
I no longer deserve to be called your son; treat me as you would treat one of your hired workers."'
So he got up and went back to his father. While he was still a long way off, his father caught sight of him, and was filled with compassion. He ran to his son, embraced him and kissed him.
His son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you; I no longer deserve to be called your son.'
But his father ordered his servants, 'Quickly bring the finest robe and put it on him; put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet.
Take the fattened calf and slaughter it. Then let us celebrate with a feast,
because this son of mine was dead, and has come to life again; he was lost, and has been found.' Then the celebration began.”
This is the scripture that blesses me so much. I like the part where it says, “Coming to his senses…”
When his senses started functioning well, the young man started thinking about the qualities his father had. He knew that he was a loving father, caring father, welcoming father, not selfish father, a giving father and a humble one.
The young man started realising that where he was, was not where he was supposed to be. He started realising that he was still a very important person to his father; no matter the situation he was facing. He realised that he was not supposed to feed himself with pigs’ food. He was the most precious gift to his father.
He boldly announced these words, “I WILL ARISE…” .
He realised that he had to arise against the situation he was facing. This is where I want to focus the most. I and Precious knew that we were more important to God. No matter the situation we were facing; no matter what people were saying about us and the life of poverty we were in.
We knew that we were not alone in that situation. We had to arise above the situation of poverty, of hunger, of rejection, of sicknesses and above those who talked bad about us. We knew that God was on our side.
We knew that poverty and hardships were not meant for us.
We cried to God to intervene in our situation. We asked God to forgive us and stop the curses against us. We asked God to restore everything that the devil had stolen from us. THAT WAS THE FIRST STEP WE TOOK.
Secondly we had to ‘walk the walk’ and ‘talk the talk’ and God would carry us through. We had to walk with our heads up, walk as victorious people.
It all started on the 14th August 2008. It was a Thursday. My day did not start very well. I had some few disappointments. As the day ended, at about 14h00, it came to my thought that only God can make me and my family happy again.
I decided to sit at the Internet café and browse a while. I had to look for a church I could attend with my family. We had never been to church ever since we arrived in Swaziland 3 months ago. We only had weekly home cell prayers in our community.
As I was browsing, I came across this website; “Wow!!!” I said with amazement.
I quickly noticed that it was a unique church, a church that serves.
It was already 15h30. I had to rush home to get my family into a new church. Someone by the Internet Café gave me directions to the church. I had to walk for 35 minutes to my place in the outskirts of the city of Mbabane to get my family.
I had to come with them and be a testimony to a new different God’s setup.
On my arrival, I told my wife about the church and she was eager to go with me. We bath all our children, Tracy and Nanette. Unfortunately my elder daughter was not staying with us.
We arrived at the church at exactly 17h30. We set quietly side by side with my wife and children. “Wow!” my wife whispers to my ears. “I would love to be here all the time.” She continued. I smiled realising that she loved the church set up and the people.
The people were full of smiles and they were all happy. The pastor was very active and everything looked really good.
Infect, everything looked new to us. The way he preached was something that caught our attention. He involved everyone in what ever he was saying. The band was wonderful.
The service ended while we were having group discussions. Just after the church service we met Pastor Ben. We introduced ourselves and we requested for an appointment with him.
We were very happy to be at the church. We were also transported back home. It was so great, and we were so curious to meet ps. Ben on the following Monday.
On that weekend the church had to serve in our community and we decided to join with them.
Read on part 4. Get the really testimony when the family had to meet Ps. Ben on the following Monday.
This is what Natalie had to write about us on her website: on 20 August 2008.
Um this is me speechless….
August 20, 2008
“So someone please, for me, make yourself a tea (or coffee) and enjoy a story with me! It was last Saturday and HPC Swazi was having Servolution for the first time in our brief little history and I met several amazing people but these 2 in particular were REALLY amazing. Have you had those encounters? You know when you see someone from across the room and are like, I GOTTA MEET THEM, yeah>>>>> so that is how this was. Throughout the day I was just mesmerized by this couple. PRECIOUS and SOLOMON!”
“They had a glow about them. Like I could see the bit of Jesus creeping through their smiles, coming from the sweetness of their eyes. I was SO INTERESTED! I needed to meet them, to talk to them. I don’t know who participated in Servolution on that side, in America, but if it was like over here…. YOU WERE BUSY! So the day concluded and I had still not formerly met the two. But I did get this pic from behind… I love shots like this….”
“The next day was church and I was so excited to see them sitting in their chairs, all three this time… Solomon, Precious and their new baby Nanette. I think I scared them by the way I approached them…. ‘HEY, I AM NATALIE!!!!!!’ Eyes wide and JOY spilling out onto them I am sure of it. I had to contain myself. I was just like way TOO bubbly and well if you know me I am far from bubbly!!!!”
“So I didn’t say but the outreach we did was in a very very poor area of Mbabane. It is called Msunduza and it is THE GHETTO! Honestly guys I have been in Mbabane for 7 months and I have never even driven in that area until last Friday when we went to scope out where we would be outreaching. My heart jumped and flipped and sang the whole time we were there. I couldn’t get over it. Poverty to the 10th power, broken people, lots of trash and MAJOR opportunity to be a HEALING PLACE FOR A HURTING WORLD! So it just so happens that this couple lives in this area. So my wheels were turning…. I HAD TO GET BACK and SOON!”
So back to Sunday>>>>>>
“So I asked if it would be alright if Precious could come by the office so I could give her something. Of course they agreed and so here we are… TODAY….. the 19th of August 1 o’clock, 1:30 Swazi time Precious shows up. Nanette on her side and a stunning smile on her face. I was excited, I talked about basics that we could get for the GoGo (grandmother) in the community there that we served on Saturday. After that, I offered to bring her home with the grocery bag of chicken I got her to come visit me for. We were off and my heart was OVERFLOWING at this point.”
“Thoughts of the ghetto danced in my head. So I stopped by one of my FAVORITES, the fruit stand on the side of the road, and picked her up some bananas and oranges, spent 20 rand which is like 3 bucks and she got like 12 oranges and probably 15 bananas. I just wanted to bless her (not me, the LORD wanted to bless her),it was a small gesture but to her it was everything. I got back in the car and went on about how I LOVE fruit sooooo much and she was like, ‘I can’t remember the last time I had a fruit’. She went on to tell me that sometimes they don’t eat (Solomon and her) and then she shared that at times the only thing they have to feed the baby is water with sugar and salt. My heart broke. Thoughts of how I NEVER miss a meal, most of the time eating way more than even needed swarmed my mind. I felt ridiculous. She then started assuring me of how the Lord is making the baby fat even while just drinking water. I looked in the back seat at the plumpest cheeks I have seen in awhile and I knew it was the TRUTH…. the Lord is feeding your baby I said. My heart realized just how special EVERY PERSON’S life is to Him. How do I forget how He provides for me… continually… throughly, to the point of abundance He takes care of me.”
“So we arrived to the what seemed to be the end of the road and I parked the car and we started up a hill on foot. I felt so ALIVE! I can’t explain it, where some would think this is the pits, I was fully engaged in her every word. Wanting to know the details… (that sounds like someone I know… the Lord… He cares about the details of our lives). We made it up to the top. Along the way she told me that the people there talk about her and Solomon, call them dogs and other mean things. My heart ached for her. I mean she is like a BEAUTIFUL woman and mother and nothing but goodness and then you have these people, this resistance, it’s SO THE ENEMY!!! I apologized to her for the pain she had to deal with and she goes on to tell me, ‘we go through these bad situations so that we will be stronger after they pass’… I want to cry now while I think back unto those words. I mean, ya’ll you can’t understand where I was walking… in the poorest of the poor and I hear this angel tell me that it is all worth it all and hope, hope and MORE hope! I was soaking it up.
We got to her homestead and I went in with her. One queen size bed. Dim, no electricity. A cabinet with rust all over it, a smell that wasn’t pleasant and Precious with Nanette and me. I sat on the only place besides the floor to sit, the bed, and I just turned it all off. The world outside the door. The neighbors talking, the kids crying the busyness of the day…. OFF……”
“We sat awhile. I just had question after question and she had answer after answer. She told me that her family was wealthy, still are and that she left it all to be with Solomon. She fell in love but has never known life as she does now, POOR. Cooking outside, living in a homestead… basically praying to keep alive. She told me how she was a model and how Solomon “saved” her from the life she was living with the alcohol and all the other harmful things she was involved with. He is a Pastor or was and is planning on becoming one again when the time is right. We had fun on that bed, in that room they call a home. I prayed for her and Solomon and we then spoke of the hope in their hearts for getting out of that place and into more suitable living. She told me about how the Lord is providing for them by finding HPC here and now Solomon working at Cup. AMEN to THAT!!!!”
“We started back to the car now. She brought me around back to see where they cook. A couple of pots, some broken up wood and that was about it…. ‘that’s the kitchen’…. she said. She told me she was not worried about the people talking about how they cook outside and live like dogs, she was so unmoved by the lies… her TRUST and HOPE was in someone far greater than those mere words. She pointed to this awful looking thing, that’s the bathroom, 4 wood poles and some plastic to make the walls was all I was looking at. She said she doesn’t use it unless she is REALLY pressed (don’t know if that is #2 or if it just means she has to pee pee REALLY bad). She went on and told me she usually pees in a bucket and well I didn’t get much more details than that.”
Our next stop was the GoGo’s house. On the way, she pointed out the creek where they get water from… yeah…. scary….. “you have to go during the day because they rape and kill young girls down there”. RRRRRiiiiiggghht…. I will remember that. WHAT? Not only is the water far from reasonable drinking water but you might die while going to fetch it…. I am like, this is your life…. this is what you wake up to daily? In awe and so overwhelmed with feelings of being more than blessed I listened. She said not too far after the creek comment, “I like living like this, it’s sortof exciting”… WHAT? I laughed, really. She was so serious and I knew it. “Adventure” I said. The weight lightened on my shoulders. She was secure in this, she was stronger than I and she used the word, “DETERMINED”. They were a living example of strength and hope to me. It is like you are on an adventure hey? Really, it sorted sounded fun and appealing when I started putting myself in her shoes. Yeah, having to wear heels to walk miles in because your only other pair of shoes, flats, are completely wiped. Praying to the Lord for 4 rand (less than a dollar) to take transport into town to meet this crazy American girl who wants to give you something???? And did I mention she had PEACE all over her and the assurance she had in Him and His plans for helping her…. to make a way to get out of the ghetto, to make a way so they could be pastor’s and lights in this dark world, so they could feed themselves regularly… yeah all of this does sound like a much needed adventure to be had!”
We arrived at GoGo’s. The playground where Cup’s newest carepoint will be is right across the road. Up the hill we went. She was sitting on a a grass mat of some sort and completely content in watching the world go on around her. We walked up to her. Me BIG SMILES! Precious told her that Zinty and I would be coming back on Saturday to give her some items and cook her lunch… I am contemplating washing her feet…. she was ELATED. There was 80 something years of smiling on her face and my heart was filled as Precious translated her gratitude.”
“The children were all around. Once again I found myself in a moment of pure bliss. I have such a great life. Listening to the struggles of Precious and hearing hope come from her made me wonder what I make all sorts of fuss about. I know the Lord is doing something NEW in my heart. I keep hearing about the number 8 and how it represents ‘NEW things’. On August (8th month) 8th, 2008 I feel like the Lord did indeed do a new thing in my life.”
“I left Mbabane to go to JoBurg for Passion. I left with close friends and came back with even closer ones. We had a celebration at that place. In my heart was the biggest one of all. The message is still fresh in my mind and soul. I have gleaned from it since and I feel that the Lord has just been pouring more and more into me as the days have passed on. It’s been two weeks and I am just seeing how much of life I want and finding out how it is NOT ABOUT ME AT ALL and everything to do WITH HIM. Making HIM KNOWN. That is seriously my heart’s cry at this point. Psalms 84… “I would rather be a gatekeeper in the house of the Lord rather…..”" That is where He had me this morning. You know? I don’t have this “vision” per say, not just yet anyway, BUT I do have this undying, consuming fire sort of PASSION for Him and ANYTHING that has to do with Him that is a lot like Jeremiah says, ‘fire within my bones and I am weary of holding it in’”’
“ YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN… I just know that this life is too short, like a passing wind… here and then not…it is all meaningless without Him oh …. it is all meaningless and all I want is to shout from the mountain tops that it is ALL BECAUSE OF HIM THAT ANYTHING MATTERS!!!!! Oh, I am so desperate for that, for Him to be known, for Natalie to be less and for Him to BE ALL….. Father help me. Show me the way, guide my feet, level the mountains and above all else bring your Kingdom here to earth…. Unto you be ALLLLLLLLLLLLL the GLORY!!!!”
“So that was a good 2 hours of my day and another 2 was writing all of this. I am so encouraged. I am so delighted you listened to their story, I have more to tell. I know that I must share what I have been given. I want to point people to Him… to give hope to the hopeless… to declare that indeed we have a living, real God, a father who is crazy about us and who wants to be our Dad, our Lover, our true love, our One and Only…. Do you feel me???”
Here is the Precious I spoke about and her beautiful baby Nanette!
And the precious GoGo… yes, I left a piece of my heart there with SaMaria… here’s to life and old people…
Um this is me speechless….
August 20, 2008
“So someone please, for me, make yourself a tea (or coffee) and enjoy a story with me! It was last Saturday and HPC Swazi was having Servolution for the first time in our brief little history and I met several amazing people but these 2 in particular were REALLY amazing. Have you had those encounters? You know when you see someone from across the room and are like, I GOTTA MEET THEM, yeah>>>>> so that is how this was. Throughout the day I was just mesmerized by this couple. PRECIOUS and SOLOMON!”
“They had a glow about them. Like I could see the bit of Jesus creeping through their smiles, coming from the sweetness of their eyes. I was SO INTERESTED! I needed to meet them, to talk to them. I don’t know who participated in Servolution on that side, in America, but if it was like over here…. YOU WERE BUSY! So the day concluded and I had still not formerly met the two. But I did get this pic from behind… I love shots like this….”
“The next day was church and I was so excited to see them sitting in their chairs, all three this time… Solomon, Precious and their new baby Nanette. I think I scared them by the way I approached them…. ‘HEY, I AM NATALIE!!!!!!’ Eyes wide and JOY spilling out onto them I am sure of it. I had to contain myself. I was just like way TOO bubbly and well if you know me I am far from bubbly!!!!”
“So I didn’t say but the outreach we did was in a very very poor area of Mbabane. It is called Msunduza and it is THE GHETTO! Honestly guys I have been in Mbabane for 7 months and I have never even driven in that area until last Friday when we went to scope out where we would be outreaching. My heart jumped and flipped and sang the whole time we were there. I couldn’t get over it. Poverty to the 10th power, broken people, lots of trash and MAJOR opportunity to be a HEALING PLACE FOR A HURTING WORLD! So it just so happens that this couple lives in this area. So my wheels were turning…. I HAD TO GET BACK and SOON!”
So back to Sunday>>>>>>
“So I asked if it would be alright if Precious could come by the office so I could give her something. Of course they agreed and so here we are… TODAY….. the 19th of August 1 o’clock, 1:30 Swazi time Precious shows up. Nanette on her side and a stunning smile on her face. I was excited, I talked about basics that we could get for the GoGo (grandmother) in the community there that we served on Saturday. After that, I offered to bring her home with the grocery bag of chicken I got her to come visit me for. We were off and my heart was OVERFLOWING at this point.”
“Thoughts of the ghetto danced in my head. So I stopped by one of my FAVORITES, the fruit stand on the side of the road, and picked her up some bananas and oranges, spent 20 rand which is like 3 bucks and she got like 12 oranges and probably 15 bananas. I just wanted to bless her (not me, the LORD wanted to bless her),it was a small gesture but to her it was everything. I got back in the car and went on about how I LOVE fruit sooooo much and she was like, ‘I can’t remember the last time I had a fruit’. She went on to tell me that sometimes they don’t eat (Solomon and her) and then she shared that at times the only thing they have to feed the baby is water with sugar and salt. My heart broke. Thoughts of how I NEVER miss a meal, most of the time eating way more than even needed swarmed my mind. I felt ridiculous. She then started assuring me of how the Lord is making the baby fat even while just drinking water. I looked in the back seat at the plumpest cheeks I have seen in awhile and I knew it was the TRUTH…. the Lord is feeding your baby I said. My heart realized just how special EVERY PERSON’S life is to Him. How do I forget how He provides for me… continually… throughly, to the point of abundance He takes care of me.”
“So we arrived to the what seemed to be the end of the road and I parked the car and we started up a hill on foot. I felt so ALIVE! I can’t explain it, where some would think this is the pits, I was fully engaged in her every word. Wanting to know the details… (that sounds like someone I know… the Lord… He cares about the details of our lives). We made it up to the top. Along the way she told me that the people there talk about her and Solomon, call them dogs and other mean things. My heart ached for her. I mean she is like a BEAUTIFUL woman and mother and nothing but goodness and then you have these people, this resistance, it’s SO THE ENEMY!!! I apologized to her for the pain she had to deal with and she goes on to tell me, ‘we go through these bad situations so that we will be stronger after they pass’… I want to cry now while I think back unto those words. I mean, ya’ll you can’t understand where I was walking… in the poorest of the poor and I hear this angel tell me that it is all worth it all and hope, hope and MORE hope! I was soaking it up.
We got to her homestead and I went in with her. One queen size bed. Dim, no electricity. A cabinet with rust all over it, a smell that wasn’t pleasant and Precious with Nanette and me. I sat on the only place besides the floor to sit, the bed, and I just turned it all off. The world outside the door. The neighbors talking, the kids crying the busyness of the day…. OFF……”
“We sat awhile. I just had question after question and she had answer after answer. She told me that her family was wealthy, still are and that she left it all to be with Solomon. She fell in love but has never known life as she does now, POOR. Cooking outside, living in a homestead… basically praying to keep alive. She told me how she was a model and how Solomon “saved” her from the life she was living with the alcohol and all the other harmful things she was involved with. He is a Pastor or was and is planning on becoming one again when the time is right. We had fun on that bed, in that room they call a home. I prayed for her and Solomon and we then spoke of the hope in their hearts for getting out of that place and into more suitable living. She told me about how the Lord is providing for them by finding HPC here and now Solomon working at Cup. AMEN to THAT!!!!”
“We started back to the car now. She brought me around back to see where they cook. A couple of pots, some broken up wood and that was about it…. ‘that’s the kitchen’…. she said. She told me she was not worried about the people talking about how they cook outside and live like dogs, she was so unmoved by the lies… her TRUST and HOPE was in someone far greater than those mere words. She pointed to this awful looking thing, that’s the bathroom, 4 wood poles and some plastic to make the walls was all I was looking at. She said she doesn’t use it unless she is REALLY pressed (don’t know if that is #2 or if it just means she has to pee pee REALLY bad). She went on and told me she usually pees in a bucket and well I didn’t get much more details than that.”
Our next stop was the GoGo’s house. On the way, she pointed out the creek where they get water from… yeah…. scary….. “you have to go during the day because they rape and kill young girls down there”. RRRRRiiiiiggghht…. I will remember that. WHAT? Not only is the water far from reasonable drinking water but you might die while going to fetch it…. I am like, this is your life…. this is what you wake up to daily? In awe and so overwhelmed with feelings of being more than blessed I listened. She said not too far after the creek comment, “I like living like this, it’s sortof exciting”… WHAT? I laughed, really. She was so serious and I knew it. “Adventure” I said. The weight lightened on my shoulders. She was secure in this, she was stronger than I and she used the word, “DETERMINED”. They were a living example of strength and hope to me. It is like you are on an adventure hey? Really, it sorted sounded fun and appealing when I started putting myself in her shoes. Yeah, having to wear heels to walk miles in because your only other pair of shoes, flats, are completely wiped. Praying to the Lord for 4 rand (less than a dollar) to take transport into town to meet this crazy American girl who wants to give you something???? And did I mention she had PEACE all over her and the assurance she had in Him and His plans for helping her…. to make a way to get out of the ghetto, to make a way so they could be pastor’s and lights in this dark world, so they could feed themselves regularly… yeah all of this does sound like a much needed adventure to be had!”
We arrived at GoGo’s. The playground where Cup’s newest carepoint will be is right across the road. Up the hill we went. She was sitting on a a grass mat of some sort and completely content in watching the world go on around her. We walked up to her. Me BIG SMILES! Precious told her that Zinty and I would be coming back on Saturday to give her some items and cook her lunch… I am contemplating washing her feet…. she was ELATED. There was 80 something years of smiling on her face and my heart was filled as Precious translated her gratitude.”
“The children were all around. Once again I found myself in a moment of pure bliss. I have such a great life. Listening to the struggles of Precious and hearing hope come from her made me wonder what I make all sorts of fuss about. I know the Lord is doing something NEW in my heart. I keep hearing about the number 8 and how it represents ‘NEW things’. On August (8th month) 8th, 2008 I feel like the Lord did indeed do a new thing in my life.”
“I left Mbabane to go to JoBurg for Passion. I left with close friends and came back with even closer ones. We had a celebration at that place. In my heart was the biggest one of all. The message is still fresh in my mind and soul. I have gleaned from it since and I feel that the Lord has just been pouring more and more into me as the days have passed on. It’s been two weeks and I am just seeing how much of life I want and finding out how it is NOT ABOUT ME AT ALL and everything to do WITH HIM. Making HIM KNOWN. That is seriously my heart’s cry at this point. Psalms 84… “I would rather be a gatekeeper in the house of the Lord rather…..”" That is where He had me this morning. You know? I don’t have this “vision” per say, not just yet anyway, BUT I do have this undying, consuming fire sort of PASSION for Him and ANYTHING that has to do with Him that is a lot like Jeremiah says, ‘fire within my bones and I am weary of holding it in’”’
“ YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN… I just know that this life is too short, like a passing wind… here and then not…it is all meaningless without Him oh …. it is all meaningless and all I want is to shout from the mountain tops that it is ALL BECAUSE OF HIM THAT ANYTHING MATTERS!!!!! Oh, I am so desperate for that, for Him to be known, for Natalie to be less and for Him to BE ALL….. Father help me. Show me the way, guide my feet, level the mountains and above all else bring your Kingdom here to earth…. Unto you be ALLLLLLLLLLLLL the GLORY!!!!”
“So that was a good 2 hours of my day and another 2 was writing all of this. I am so encouraged. I am so delighted you listened to their story, I have more to tell. I know that I must share what I have been given. I want to point people to Him… to give hope to the hopeless… to declare that indeed we have a living, real God, a father who is crazy about us and who wants to be our Dad, our Lover, our true love, our One and Only…. Do you feel me???”
Here is the Precious I spoke about and her beautiful baby Nanette!
And the precious GoGo… yes, I left a piece of my heart there with SaMaria… here’s to life and old people…
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