Thursday, June 16, 2011

Push the Passion - You have Got what It takes

You have what it takes as a young person. Celebrate your achievements; and never allow anyone to stop you from reaching your goal. Remember; you need to start small and use the available resources. Anything/Everything is possible. Praise yourself and don’t wait for someone else to praise you. Turn to yourself and say, “well done!” What you initiate might worth/mean nothing to the next person, but of most importance to you.
That’s what I am doing in my small world; a world full of disappointments. Today, I am about to realise a dream I had when I came to Food & Trees for Africa ( . Seeing FTFA working across the boarders of South Africa will be one great achievement. In Mozambique we have Khulisa Crime Initiative ( negotiating its way into that country. I initiated negotiations with the government of this country to have Khulisa working in Mozambique. Presentations were done in the Department of prisons and within the main prison in Maputo.
I have written books; best seller book in Mozambique in 2003 “The Life & Walks of Dr. Jose C. Massinga”. This was the first biography of our politicians to be written in English in the country. I am now writting my 5th book, Green Revolution. This book will be launched in style, and no one will stop me.
It’s not always easy to push your passion because not everyone understands what you want to achieve. I will share my challenges and disappointments as I try by all means to implement such inititives in the next issue.
NB: What I mentioned are just few initiatives I implemented out of many I’m working on.

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